5G SBP Use Case - Public Cloud Edge Interface

5G SBP Use Case - Public Cloud Edge Interface

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Here is a slide deck that provides further background on this use case: 


Use Case Name:

Public Cloud Edge Interface –  5G

Use Case Name:

Public Cloud Edge Interface –  5G

Use Case Description:

@Srinivasa Addepalli @Oleg Berzin @Amar Kapadia @Vivekanandan Muthukrishnan 

A 3GPP compliant Private 5G blueprint to showcase the flexibility of 5G Core deployment

Problem Statement and how is the problem solved:

Problem #1: Phase 1 has one dimensional 5GC example with Magma, which is a good example, but supporting only 1 example can lead to interoperability gaps in future. It would be wide to support at least one other options to ensure modularity & extensibility/choice. 

Problem #2: Edge2Cloud considerations often bring unique requirements for the Edge where a lightweight, kubernetes-first orchestration solution that can also support multi-cloud independence is an additional choice option would be ideal to add. 

Problem #3: I believe Magma is missing some modularity and 3GPP support that an additional option that does would be ideal to add an integration example of.

This blueprint will be based on the Akraino Public Cloud Edge Interface (PCEI) blueprint. The goal of this blueprint, as it pertains to the 5G SBP, is to show end-to-end Private 5G functionality by using Free5GC to showcase the flexibility of 5G Core deployment options.

By adding an integration example of the free5GC 5GC option, we introduce interoperability and choice assurance and some 3GPP support to address Problem Statements #1 and #3. This PCEI BP also demonstrates an additional service orchestration framework that can work in tandem with ONAP components for both a lightweight k8s-centric and multi-cloud capable option to the 5G SBP solution set. >


Users Stories

  • Demonstrate full Private 5G functionality with Slicing (implemented through a closely related 5G SBP Use Case - 5G Secure Slicing use case) and MEC breakout

    • Local Break-Out (LBO) – Examples: video traffic offload, low latency services, roaming optimization.

  • Demonstrate UPF running in the enterprise or cloud edge (Colo datacenter) (AMF + SMF could be considered if we want to use the Magma style AGW architecture)

  • Demonstrate the remaining 5GC in the cloud edge or the public cloud

  • Demonstrate replacing the Free5GC UPF with higher performance alternatives

  • Optional/Future

    • Integrate Free5GC UPF+AMF+SMF (AGW equivalent) with the Magma Or8str

    • UPF Distribution -- distributing User Plane Functions in the appropriate Data Center Facilities on qualified compute hardware for routing the traffic to desired applications and network/processing functions/applications.

    • Mobile Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Access - provide multi-MNO, multi-Cloud, multi-MEC access for mobile devices (including IoT) and Edge services/applications

    • Enterprise Wireless WAN access - provide high-speed Fixed Wireless Access to enterprises with the ability to interconnect to Public Cloud and 3rd-Party Edge Functions, including Network Functions such as SD-WAN.

Demo Storyline (optional)


Interaction with other open source projects and components

Links to existing documentation (Build Guide, Slideware, etc), if available (optional).

PCEI Release 6 Documentation (this does not show Free5GC integration, but shows the use of EMCO & ONAP)

Links to existing demo/video, if available (optional).

PCEI Demo from January LFN DTF  (this does not show Free5GC integration, but shows the use of EMCO & ONAP)

Links to existing code/repos, if available (optional).

PCEI Release 6 Installation Guide


5G Slicing Use Case (this blueprint and the 5G Slicing blueprint are related and use the same underlying software components/infrastructure)

  • Network Slicing provisioning and management - providing continuity for network slices instantiated in the MNO domain, across the Public Cloud Core/Edge as well as the 3Rd-Party Edge domains, offering dedicated resources specifically tailored for application and functional needs (e.g. security) needs.


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