5G Super Blueprint Use Case Discussion

5G Super Blueprint Use Case Discussion

This page is intended to highlight use case requirements and phasing, both from a technology and market point of view.

PLEASE ADD YOUR THOUGHTS – This is a community activity, after all. 

Current Work in Progress (Please see Demo deep dive meeting minutes for more detail)

Delivery date: ONE Summit, LA, 10/21

Big Idea: End-to-end network slicing – prerequisite to 5GSP

5G Network with Private Mobile Networking (5GSP Phase I)

Big Idea: Leverage end-to-end network slicing to create a secure private mobile network with an open source core

Necessary Components: ONAP, Anuket, Magma

Nice to have components: Akraino ICN blueprint apps

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • Magma core deploying and functioning on Anuket Infra

    • @Amar Kapadia: This was completed with Magma 1.6, but with FB pulling back from Magma and the fact that there is no 3GPP support in Magma, I think we have to consider additional options such as Free5GC. This can be introduced in the 5G Super Blueprint as a second option to Magma 1.7 (or if the Magma project is considering a second 3GPP 5GC, we can still call it Magma).

  • Magma and ONAP orchestration integration

    • @Amar Kapadia: See above comment

  • End-to-end network slicing (all components, including Magma core)

    • @Amar Kapadia: There is no slicing roadmap for Magma that I'm aware of

  • Secure private network established

  • Non-goal: Ability to measure and test specifics of physical layer performance

Private Mobile Network that enables Edge/IOT

Necessary Components: ONAP, EMCO, Anuket, Magma, EdgeX?, OpenHorizon?, Fledge?

Nice to have components: Ability to demonstrate something like factory floor, retail, warehouse


  • All components from previous phase

  • Interconnect between 5G macro network and local IOT breakout ?

  • Integrations btwn ONAP and OpenHorizon?

  • @Amar Kapadia: We can also demonstrate EMCO for edge environments while ONAP can be used for central environments