5G SBP Use Case - MultiCloud HybridCloud NaaS
Use this template to submit Use Cases for submission to the 5G Super Blueprint Use Case & Requirements Advisory Group. All input marked Mandatory is required for the blueprint use case proposal to be deemed ready for review by the Use Case & Requirements Advisory Group.
Use Case Name: (Mandatory) | MultiCloud HybridCloud NaaS (Network as a Service) |
Use Case Description: (Mandatory) | |
-Epic -Problem Statement (Mandatory) | |
Blueprint Owner (Mandatory) | enter name |
Users Stories (at least one (1) User Story is Mandatory) |
Interaction with other open source projects and components (Mandatory) |
Resources -people (Mandatory) | Resources (people) to execute on the blueprint:
Steps to Realization |
High-level architecture diagram (Mandatory) | |
High level lab topology diagram (Mandatory) | |
Dependencies - list of any dependencies that rely of future releases of a specfic component. (Mandatory) | Yes
or No |
High-level timeline (Mandatory) |
Upstreaming Opportunities (Mandatory) |
Blueprint Outputs (Mandatory) | check all that apply: Code repository Configuration files (e.g. Helm charts, etc.) Upstreaming to relevant projects Continuous Integration Test requirements and test results (if applicable) Documentation: Overview and Theory of Operation (i.e., what does it do?) Deployment and setup Videos demo lab setup/behind the scenes other |
High-level timeline (Mandatory) |
Links to existing documentation (Build Guide, Slideware, etc), if available (optional). | |
Links to existing demo/video, if available (optional). | |
Links to existing code/repos, if available (optional). |
Feb 16, 2024 Kickoff Meeting
@Joe Pearson, @sathish, @ayyaps, @ljilluzzi, @Amar Kapadia , @Ranny Haiby
Introductions - LJ
High Level Overview - Ranny
Proposed blueprint - Use Case, Resources that will be required - Aarna
Equinix (v2) work has slowed down
Lab resources required
Alignment with current IBM focus areas might help open up resources
IBM Potential resources (Labs, Connectivity, Personnel) - IBM team
IBM introduced the concept of application-centric connectivity
IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh (IBM product). Potential to open source a subset of this product.
Open-source Mesh components currently include Open Horizon and skupper.io
Potential to integrate connectivity APIs to carrier 4G/5G cores - AT&T, as an example
Next Steps:
Overview of Hybrid Cloud Mesh
Other players that we need to reach out to - All
Dell/SoNIC - infra
Equinix - infra
Next steps and timeline
Overview/Deep Dive of Hybrid Cloud Mesh- add to an 5G SBP agenda. Focus on component integration. Target Feb 28, 2024