5G SBP Use Cases related 5G Service Requirements

5G SBP Use Cases related 5G Service Requirements

@Ike Alisson The below added information on 3GPP standard specified for 5G Service Requirements (predomininantly for 3GPP Rel. 17 and Rel. 18) for various Use Cases (UCs) aim to assist the 5G Super Blueprint members and enable them to pursue the following two (2) purposes:

  1. To be able to map/identify each LFN 5G Super Blueprint member Project UC and respective specified Service Requirements that they work to implement/deploy and commission as a Service on the Market;

  2. To be able to support 5G Super Blueprint member Projects Service(s) Roadmap aligned with the respective 5G System enhancements for the respective UCs and their Service Requirements as specified by 3GPP.

One should distinguish between System and Network configuration-specification and implementation of 3GPP standard specified Features and Functionalities into Network Capabilities to enable fulfillment and commissioning of Service Requirements for 5G Services. At the very end of this information-input, there is a snapshot presentation on the Business Model difference between Telco and DevOps use of SW to shed some light on the above statement.

5G Architecture for Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environment and related Business Models for Telco and DevOps Open Source use of SW (Ref. Ericsson, March, 2022).