2021-06-DD - Anuket: Anuket assured hyperscalers or hyperscaler assured Anuket?

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Rodrigues, João (Nokia)

  • @Gergely Csatari

Topic Overview

45 min | @Rodrigues, João (Nokia) , @Gergely Csatari | CET, EET

Anuket RM and RA2 define the properties for Kubernetes based infrastructures to run CNF-s to ensure quick and easy integration of CNF-s and the infrastructure. With the the different public cloud providers offering CaaS services for telecom applications a new integration front is opened. Is it guaranteed that a CNF compliant with RC2 will run on the hyperscaler CaaS offerings? How well RM and RA2 modells the infrastructure of hyperscalers and what is the best way to ensure interoperability between private and public CaaS offerings?

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  • Problem statement

  • Discussion


  • Slide 2 - Hyperscalers Integration Point

    • This is an evolution from GSMA operator platform.

    • GSMA will write a whitepaper about an API to implement E-W CSB and CRB API

      • Open source implementation

      • Assumption: we do not expect the underlying IaaS providers to change the IaaS layer

      • The new API is mapped to the existing IaaS API-s

      • GSMA sets up an organization and asks open source organisations to contribute to the API and the brokers

      • For adoption an open source implementation is needed

        • It will be hard to get the hyperscalers to adopt to this API

        • It will be also hard to agree in an API

        • Cluster API provides a model on how to implement APIs to handle multiple IaaS clouds

  • Hyperscalers are moving towards different hardwarde solution and services

  • We will have a set of workloads what could run anywhere and we will have specific workloads which will need Anuket RC capabilities

  • Diagram of hyperscaler and Anuket workloads

  • We believe that there is not enough business in the telecom workloads for the hyperscalers to support these "difficult" workloads

Action Items