2021-06-10 - Anuket: RI2 Status and Next Steps
Topic Leader(s)
@Rihab Banday
@James Gu
@Michael Pedersen
Topic Overview
45m, @Rihab Banday @James Gu
In this session we will review the current status of the RI2 Kuberef and Airship projects and plan the next steps forward. A special focus will be on the requirements, gaps and conformance and how we can best work together.
Slides & Recording
Recording: RI2 Status and Next Steps.mp4
RI2 Current Status
Requirements review
Are we ready for the L release?
Next steps
RI2 Current Status
Need for actual implementation of RA2. Solved by creating the Kuberef project
(Cedric) How to improve and get better test results
Biggest issue right now is rate-limiting of Docker Hub
Either use credentials or deploy local repo with images
Bring to TSC and LFN IT
(Pankaj) How well are we aligned with RA2 (Kali)
RI2 lagging behind RA2, which is expected
Currently updating traces directly in RA2 master, which might need to change
Need to document gaps in RI2, e.g. need for additional HW
Use the release/versioning of RA2 as a reference
For Kubespray, there is ongoing work looking into operating systems and deploying in VMs
Some work has already been done with VMs, but it still needs to be integrated with existing Kuberef code and scripts
(Cedric) Align K8s version with Cedric/RC2 to have backported tests available
Current adhoc GitLab Kuberef CI
(Cedric) easy to setup once we pass all testcases