2021-06-08 - Anuket: Leftovers of the merger

2021-06-08 - Anuket: Leftovers of the merger

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Gergely Csatari

Topic Overview

45 min | @Gergely Csatari  | EET

There are several leftovers from the CNTT - OPNFV merger what we should work on. In this session I would like to collect these items and propose resolution if we can.

Leftovers from CNTT what I can remember:

Slides & Recording

Leftovers of the merger.mp4


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  • Collection of leftover items from OPNFV

  • Collection of leftover items from CNTT

  • Discussion of next steps


Action Items

Work on an Action plan regarding Gitlab/Gerrit Transition with @Georg Kunz @Scot Steele @Jim Baker Six weeks from June 14th.
Change Pointers for OPNFV.ORG to point to Anuket.io @Jim Baker 2weeks 
Create an docs.anuket.io page, - Thursday Discussion. 
Redirect research@Trevor Bramwell By 6/10 Meeting.
Create Anuket Style OPNFV documentation, @Gergely Csatari  
Move the 4 Repos to Gitlab for Anuket - LF IT to work on.
Stop generating CNTT Github pages (https://cntt-n.github.io/CNTT/),  Reduce the Number of Pages from 3 to 2. @Gergely Csatari
Where did the CNTT Governance Docs go, and how do we merge into Anuket? @Gergely Csatari @Scot Steele

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