2021-06-09 - Anuket: OpenStack Release Selection

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Pankaj.Goyal

  • @Karine Sevilla


  • @Walter.kozlowski

Note Taker

  • @Ildiko

Topic Overview

30 min @Pankaj.Goyal @Karine Sevilla

Which OpenStack release to select as a baseline for the next RA1 release?

Following RM's developments on acceleration, RA1 must evolve to integrate these new requirements.

Slides & Recording


Live Interactive Session

Recording: OpenStack Release Selection.mp4


OpenStack Release Selection

  • Current RA1 OpenStack release Baseline

  • OpenStack releases available for selection

  • RM evolution requiring new OpenStack features

  • Which OpenStack release baseline for Lakelse?


Current OpenStack baseline is Train (since Baraque)

The aim is to move to a newer release - Wallaby

  • New features and functionality

  • Important new requirements to deliver on

    • HW acceleration

      • Cyborg added a lot of new functionality since Train including a new v2 API that's not complete in Train

    • Edge requirements

    • Security

    • LCM

  • Extended maintenance phase for Train

  • Functest is ready to support the latest releases which can help cover testing in Anuket

  • OS support

    • Red Hat OSP 19 LTS will be on Wallaby

    • Canonical - Ubuntu 22.04 will be Xena

  • Airship

    • installer with manifest files that can be recreated based on the docs in Airship to cover newer OpenStack releases than Train

      • needs to be done by Anuket contributors

      • alignment with Airship team in Anuket is needed

  • Concerns

    • Jumping multiple releases? Migration?

      • OpenStack has a support for fast-forward upgrades to move ahead with multiple releases

      • A lot of effort going into backward compatibility

    • Need to define an MVP?

      • For OpenStack, RA1 only specifies a minimal set of services – a subset of OpenStack services

    • Is it doable for RI for the Lakelse release?

      • RA1 is developed as a spec that RI will follow in the a release after Lakelse

  • No objections from the people on the call!

Outcome - Suggestion is to move to OpenStack Wallaby

Action Items

Lakelse RA1 scope: upgrade specifications to OpenStack Wallaby release