2019-11-13 [CNTT - MARCOMM] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
Meeting time:
Can we move an hour earlier? (Conflict with CNCF Marketing meeting) – Move to Monday afternoons)
New zoom URL https://zoom.us/j/749976958
Messaging planning deck from @speedwyre
Planning interviews with target audience
Workstream for creating messaging
Interview with Beth re: container networking?
Create Speaker Bureau: Mix of vendors and Operators
Recommended folks to start. @Rabi Abdel, @Mark Cottrell, @Gergely Csatari , @Beth Cohen
Set up workstream
Set up deck workstream (postpone until messaging is complete?)
Potential webinar?
Speaking engagements to track:
Joint event at Mobile World Congress? – Happened as a roundtable that was well attended
Present at Kubecon? (Next CFP deadline is December),
Present at OpenStack Summit Shanghai? – Nothing happened.
Open Infrastructure Summit – June Vancouver – @Beth Cohenwill submit CNTT proposal
What else is coming up?
Meeting time:
@Nick Chase will send an email confirming 3pm Eastern Mondays.
Asking Governance for confirmation that it's the Business Decision Makers we're looking to talk to. @Nick Chase will add to agenda and present.
Beth is Ok with being interviewed.
Use chapter 1 of Reference Model? – Need a little more meat.
@Nick Chase will get a writer.
@Nick Chase added some ideas Brainstorming page
@speedwyre will try to add some.
@Beth Cohen will be happy to speak at a webinar. Joint with SDx Central? Joint with Mirantis? Also talk to @Mark Cottrell and @Rabi Abdel about it. Also ask in Governance.
Previous SDxCentral webinar: https://www.sdxcentral.com/resources/sponsored/webinars/linux-foundation-opnfv-verification-program-boosts-vnf-interoperability/?utm_campaign=website&utm_source=sendgrid&utm_medium=email
Put together a speaker's bureau? Shouldn't just be operators. Should groom people like...
Speaking engagements to track:
Joint event at Mobile World Congress?
Present at Kubecon? (Next CFP deadline is December)
Present at OpenStack Summit Shanghai?
What else is coming up?