2020-03-09 OVP 2.0 Meeting notes


Mar 9, 2020


LF Staff: @Jim Baker @Heather Kirksey @Arpit Joshipura @Mike Woster
Committee Members: @Rabi Abdel @cl664y@att.com @Bill Mulligan @Eyup Korkmaz @Qiao Fu  @Kanag @Lincoln Lavoie  @Marc Price  @Olivier Smith  @Parth yadav  @Ryan Hallahan  @Tom Kivlin  @Trevor Cooper  @vipin rathi


  • Antitrust Policy

  • Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)

  • General Topics

    • (10min) Orientation/greeting

      • Wiki space and invitation to edit

    • (20min) Proposal: OVPp2 workstreams.pdf @Jim Baker

    • (20min) Understanding CNCF - CNF Conformance - Bill Mulligan 

    • (5min) Next meeting - Mar 23, 2020 


  • Boot strap wiki reviewed - @Rabi Abdel

    • How does validation testing work? It's not the volume of tests, what tests are commercially significant? Be clear on the purpose of testing @Trevor Cooper

      • Yes - all CNF validation testing need to be driven as requirements

        • CNative requirements

        • CNTT requirements

        • etc.

    • Are we overlapping with 3GPP testing? @Tom Kivlin

      • This will require on-going monitoring.

      • Is 3GPP building test tools and creating tests?

        • There are some tests in place

    • Immediate Needs

      • Identify the tooling/labs

      • Platform details

    • Need to clarify the objectives of the MVP? @Olivier Smith

      • Eg. Support a telco CNF for a greenfield telco environment

      • Eg. Develop a consistent telco container platform for telco workloads

    • Perhaps we need to change all "testing" to "conformance"

    • Next steps 

      • better define MVP

      • Mark up the wiki content before the next meeting

  • CNCF CNF Conformance testing @Bill Mulligan

    • Reviewed the slides (included above in the agenda)

    • Self-testing of CNFs to verify conformance

    • Open Questions in the deck reviewed

  • Future meeting planning @Jim Baker

    • Majority of the participants in the call requested a weekly cadence while we build OVP - Jim to send out doodle poll for meeting times

Action items