2020-03-09 OVP 2.0 Meeting notes
Mar 9, 2020
LF Staff: @Jim Baker @Heather Kirksey @Arpit Joshipura @Mike Woster
Committee Members: @Rabi Abdel @cl664y@att.com @Bill Mulligan @Eyup Korkmaz @Qiao Fu @Kanag @Lincoln Lavoie @Marc Price @Olivier Smith @Parth yadav @Ryan Hallahan @Tom Kivlin @Trevor Cooper @vipin rathi
Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
General Topics
(10min) Orientation/greeting
Wiki space and invitation to edit
(20min) Proposal: OVPp2 workstreams.pdf @Jim Baker
(20min) Understanding CNCF - CNF Conformance - Bill Mulligan
(5min) Next meeting - Mar 23, 2020
Boot strap wiki reviewed - @Rabi Abdel
How does validation testing work? It's not the volume of tests, what tests are commercially significant? Be clear on the purpose of testing @Trevor Cooper
Yes - all CNF validation testing need to be driven as requirements
CNative requirements
CNTT requirements
Are we overlapping with 3GPP testing? @Tom Kivlin
This will require on-going monitoring.
Is 3GPP building test tools and creating tests?
There are some tests in place
Immediate Needs
Identify the tooling/labs
Platform details
Need to clarify the objectives of the MVP? @Olivier Smith
Eg. Support a telco CNF for a greenfield telco environment
Eg. Develop a consistent telco container platform for telco workloads
Perhaps we need to change all "testing" to "conformance"
Next steps
better define MVP
Mark up the wiki content before the next meeting
CNCF CNF Conformance testing @Bill Mulligan
Reviewed the slides (included above in the agenda)
Self-testing of CNFs to verify conformance
Open Questions in the deck reviewed
Future meeting planning @Jim Baker
Majority of the participants in the call requested a weekly cadence while we build OVP - Jim to send out doodle poll for meeting times