2020-06-01 Meeting notes


Jun 1, 2020


LF Staff:  
Committee Members: @Trevor Lovett @Trevor Cooper @Jim Baker @Rabi Abdel @patric @Ranny Haiby @Victor Morales @Marc Price

Agenda & Minutes

Action Item Review

  • See below

Review Work Stream Status

  • WS01 - Governance

  • WS02 - Requirements

    • @Trevor Lovett  & @Rabi Abdel confirm the scope and types of requirements that RA-2 will include and if lack of traceability to RM is a concern to be solved

      • Attended RA-2 discussion to determine types of CNF Requirements in scope for RA-2.  They intend to focus on requirements strictly that deal with how a CNF interacts with NFVi resources and the orchestrator vs. any strictly Cloud Native-ness requirements.  As an example, they do not intend to prescribe the type of package manager used.  

  • WS03 - Lab & Tooling

  • WS04 - Cloud Platform Conformance:

  • WS05 - CNF Onboarding

  • WS06 - CNF Conformance

  • WS07 - ONAP POC

  • WS08 - Cloud Platform Performance Testing 

    • Status of performance in RC2 

      • Focus will be on performance testing metrics and methods to drive how performance testing is done and measured.  Minimum performance criteria would be added later after experience gained.

      • Many requirements in the RM and RAs that are related to performance - either explicitly relates to a feature / capability for achieving a performance objective or implicitly has an impact on performance 

      • Initially it is unlikely that we can identify and agree on minimum performance criteria

      • Where feasible we will specify performance related test methods and specifications with metrics that show a relevant capabilities is present and working as expected

      • Once feasible intention is to add minimum performance criteria in line with hardware and software profiles

LFN Webinar Series

  • Upcoming webinar on CVC and VNF Progress by Lincoln

  • Do we need to provide an OVP 2.0 webinar and what do we need to accomplish to provide an update?

Submission of Topics for June F2F

  • Should there be a session focused on defining common definition and metrics across RA/C/I-1  and RA/C/I-2?

  • Session providing update on OVP 2.0 and related projects on badging with focus on driving discussion on open items

    • Tiered/scored badging

    • Importance and role of performance in initial badging

  • Moderated panel of operators on role and importance OVP 2.0 

    • Marc submitting the proposal

    • Rabi will help Mark with operators

Deadline is close of business (PST), on Wednesday.

Discuss Refinement of CNOVP Boot Strap/MVP