2020-06-01 Meeting notes
Jun 1, 2020
LF Staff:
Committee Members: @Trevor Lovett @Trevor Cooper @Jim Baker @Rabi Abdel @patric @Ranny Haiby @Victor Morales @Marc Price
Agenda & Minutes
Action Item Review
See below
Review Work Stream Status
WS01 - Governance
WS02 - Requirements
@Trevor Lovett & @Rabi Abdel confirm the scope and types of requirements that RA-2 will include and if lack of traceability to RM is a concern to be solved
Attended RA-2 discussion to determine types of CNF Requirements in scope for RA-2. They intend to focus on requirements strictly that deal with how a CNF interacts with NFVi resources and the orchestrator vs. any strictly Cloud Native-ness requirements. As an example, they do not intend to prescribe the type of package manager used.
WS03 - Lab & Tooling
WS04 - Cloud Platform Conformance:
WS05 - CNF Onboarding
WS06 - CNF Conformance
WS08 - Cloud Platform Performance Testing
Status of performance in RC2
Focus will be on performance testing metrics and methods to drive how performance testing is done and measured. Minimum performance criteria would be added later after experience gained.
Many requirements in the RM and RAs that are related to performance - either explicitly relates to a feature / capability for achieving a performance objective or implicitly has an impact on performance
Initially it is unlikely that we can identify and agree on minimum performance criteria
Where feasible we will specify performance related test methods and specifications with metrics that show a relevant capabilities is present and working as expected
Once feasible intention is to add minimum performance criteria in line with hardware and software profiles
LFN Webinar Series
Upcoming webinar on CVC and VNF Progress by Lincoln
Do we need to provide an OVP 2.0 webinar and what do we need to accomplish to provide an update?
Submission of Topics for June F2F
Should there be a session focused on defining common definition and metrics across RA/C/I-1 and RA/C/I-2?
Rabi will propose a session for the F2F.
Session providing update on OVP 2.0 and related projects on badging with focus on driving discussion on open items
Tiered/scored badging
Importance and role of performance in initial badging
Moderated panel of operators on role and importance OVP 2.0
Marc submitting the proposal
Rabi will help Mark with operators
Deadline is close of business (PST), on Wednesday.