MMA Agenda and Minutes 07July2020
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
@Scot Steele (AT&T)
@Brian Bearden (AT&T)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
Agenda Bashing
Marketing Plan Next Steps
Update on Planned July webinar on Edge: @Beth Cohen
@Walter.kozlowski has submitted an abstract for topic “Evolution of the Cloud Infrastructure Reference Model and its applications” (with Tomas Fedberg from E/// as the second speaker) , probably for August time frame. TBD.
LF had asked for some clarifications on the abstract, with tie-ins to LFN. Bob and Walter reviewed just before the holiday and Bob has sent Walter some suggestions for review before re-submission.
Review any update on Field trials.
Review of Metrics including Adoption/Attracting new members. It has been suggested that Marketing work on updated messaging targeting new Participants in CNTT.
Bob suggested that we will need to poll Workstream Leads for talking points/Call to action in specific areas to guide the appeal.
Recruiting community contributors- social media (LinkedIN etc)
Open Discussion on continued Marketing Messaging
Outstanding ARs