MMA Agenda and Minutes 18Aug 2020
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated)
@Scot Steele
@Nick Chase
@Andrew McLachlan (Deactivated)
Sept webinar Panel
Branding for new LFN Project (Merged)
Mirantis has an allotted webinar under the Intel Network Builders ecosystem marketing program and had opted to feature a panel style CNTT-related topic.
The topic is related to HW Interfacing in the Reference Architectures and Reference Implementation that result from the CNTT initiative, given that there would be a desire to frame the panel in a way that has a tie in the hardware, given that it is hosted under the INB program.
We will have participants from AT&T, Mirantis, Verizon, Intel, Nokia and Ericsson and have a stating point of questions to guide the discussion. and take place on Sept 22.
Working now to build out the content, gather bio, begin promotion
Topic: Impending Decision on FMO- how do we begin working on the marketing angle, presuming the LFN Gov Board accepts the recommended Merge/ReImagine Project option
There is a rough timeline imagined by LFN staff of EOY to elect officers, settle on the Branding, and launch Jan 2021
We need to develop meanwhile momentum and messaging around
MIssion and Charter of the New Org
Why it is beneficial for participants and consumers of what the new project outputs
Build up the enthusiasm of current participants and have everyone on the same page
This dovetails well with the current plan to survey participants for their near and mid term plans for CNTT in any case
Topic: Future events
We have ONES Sept 28-30 where Beth COhen is driving a panel and needs to find replacements for Rabi and previous GSMA rep.
Next LFN virtual Conference is Oct 13-15 that we need to begin planning for in terms of Marketing workshop
Thursday August 20 is a LFN webinar by Walter and Tomas and Brandon sent us the link for registration and asked for help to promote