2021-06-10 - ONAP TSC Task Force: Cloud Native (Ask Us Anything)
Topic Leader(s)
@Ranny Haiby , @cl664y@att.com (Moderator)
@Fernando Oliveira, @Byung-Woo Jun
@Lukasz Rajewski, @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti, @Konrad Bańka
Topic Overview
This session is an open forum to collect feedback, raise any question and provide suggestions from the people who are attending the DDF event to the ONAP "Cloud Native" TSC Task Force.
Slides & Recording
Q: What is the value-add of ONAP for CNF orchestration (CNFO)? What does it provide on top of K8S?
A: @Lukasz Rajewski @Konrad Bańka @Byung-Woo Jun
hybrid config and data operations can work on both K8s and PNFs
Can manage helm charts
Handling multi-cluster deployment on top of K8S
ONAP works in the service level, not just the resource level
Still need to address coordination across different clusters and SW upgrades
Q: What can end users do with ONAP Honolulu? What operations are supported (service design? Deployment? Day-0 configuration? Day 1/2 configuration? LCM?), and what will be supported in Istanbul?
A: @Lukasz Rajewski For the "native helm" path - on-boarding, Helm enrichment with CDS, meaning modifying values in Helm templates.
Day 2 operation config-assign/config-deploy - add/modify resources after the initial deployment, which may be used for upgrade.
CNF status checking is supported in Honolulu, will be enhanced in Istanbul.
@Seshu Kumar Mudiganti SO merged the "native helm" and "ETSI" paths for a more 'Plug&Play'
Q: What is the format of CNF packaging? Is it based on Helm? Does it follow ETSI-NFV specifications?
A: @Fernando Oliveira
packaging - SOL04 may need a bit of work still. Descriptors are still being discussed in ETSI about containerized models. Lots of discussion but no consensus yet. Orchestration meetings on Mondays 8am Eastern
Packaging is based on the CSAR format (for both the 'helm native' and 'ETSI' Format
CNF Descriptor Proposal page: https://wiki.onap.org/x/VwsqBg
Magma CNF onboarding is following similar path than what we have implemented for CNF vFW
Q: Where is the documentation for CNF on-boarding and deployment?
Documentation of the vFirewall CNF use case: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-integration/en/honolulu/docs_vFW_CNF_CDS.html
Heat/Helm/CDS models: vFW_CNF_CDS Model
Automation Scripts: vFW_CNF_CDS Automation
Q: How should end users report issues
You can create a JIRA ticket - https://jira.onap.org/
You can post any question on the #integration-team channel in the onapproject.slack.com Slack instance
You can also join the CNF Task Force, every Thursday prior the ONAP TSC Call (1pm UTC) calendar link
You can also write to the onap cnf mailing list - onap-cnf-taskforce@lists.onap.org
Q: Are there "CNF requirements" available in ONAP, similar to the "VNF Requirements"?
A: Helm 3 is supported in Honolulu (maintenance release). Helm hooks are not fully supported.
CNF Descriptor Proposals: https://wiki.onap.org/x/VwsqBg
Architecture Review: [ONAPARC-709] (Istanbul-R9) - Func - CNF Orchestration – Istanbul Enhancements
Q: How could developers get involved? Where do you mostly need help? Are there open Jira tickets people can start working on?
Call for developers to implement in Jakarta new features:
CNF Control Loop
Integration with XGVela
Merging Native Helm/ETSI flows
Entreprise use cases
Istanbul CNF Orchestrator Requirements:
Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.Those are the short term goals. Have a great deal more in the backlog for future released. refer to 2021-06-09 - ONAP TSC Taskforce: Cloud Native (Roadmap)
Q: What it is not supported today and is part of the roadmap?
Control loop, DCAE, A&AI, ASD implementation, Prometheus integration with VES, and more. Refer to 2021-06-09 - ONAP TSC Taskforce: Cloud Native (Roadmap)
Q: What do we need to ask to CNF Vendors to be onboarded on the ONAP Platform?
Vendors are welcome to test their CNFs, so we can have the solution validated with a larger set of Network Functions
Security container logging requirement 2021-06-09 - ONAP: SECCOM activities for Istanbul release
Also original presentation to ONAP TSC- 2021-02-22_LoggingRequirementEvents_v8 (1).pdf
Q: What has changed in CNF packaging since Frankfurt?
A: In Frankfurt, the Helm chart was a 'second class citizen' in SDC. In Honolulu there is native support for Helm charts. SO understands Helm type now.
Q: Is there a plan to support NETCONF configuration, or will the solution be limited to CDS CBAs? Is there alignment with C&PS?
A: No integration with C&PS, but it may happen at a later stage. But this is a good approach and may be discussed further in the CNF Taskforce.