2020-05-18 Meeting notes
May 18, 2020
Recording: CNOVP-2020-05-18.mp4
LF Staff: @Jim Baker @Heather Kirksey
Committee Members: @Trevor Lovett @bill.mulligan @Marc Price @Lincoln Lavoie @Ranny Haiby @Victor Morales @Eyup Korkmaz @Trevor Cooper @Frederick F. Kautz IV @Patric Lind @Srinath Reddy @Timo Perala @Ryan Hallahan
Guests: @Tom Kivlin
Agenda & Minutes
Action Item Review
CNTT Baldy Released
Baldy released!
Review Work Stream Status
WS01 - Governance:
@Lincoln Lavoie - had a call to collect feedback from operators in mid-April
Move to a reviews that included formal labs and results confidentiality
Other programs as prototypes (BBF IPv6 Labs)
Presentation in June of findings at virtual event
WS02 - Requirements:
@Trevor Lovett - Next on the agenda - drive requirements into the right upstream projects
multi-source requirements - any conflicts? If so seek to resolve.
WS03 - Lab & Tooling:
@Frederick F. Kautz IV - areas of interest - CNTT, CNCF test lab,
Where is the source of resources for labs, humans?
How to pay for cloud use? packet.net, LFN labs, etc.
CNF test bed review - understand gaps from CNTT RI to what is available on CNCF test bed.
Alignment with the OPNFV testing processes/toolchains is work - TBD
WS04 - Cloud Platform Conformance:
WS05 - CNF Onboarding
WS06 - CNF Conformance
@Ranny Haiby - Looking for good quality CNF for building a POC around - possible: free 5G core (using Akraino)
@Amar Kapadia presenting a webinar tomorrow! https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TJdi3HjsQCqNrzwxn6z6zw (9a PDT May 19, 2020 )
Continue Review of WS02 Findings (material)
Separating conformance and performance categories for now
No onboarding requirements - these reside in ONAP/CNTT
Is OPNFV only focused on the NFVI - there are a few backlog items that include the CNF (CNI testing)... need clarification on this