2021 LFN Developer Event Topics June
Session Info
General Event Info
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Plenary Topics
2021-06-07 - Plenary: Anuket - XGVela Joint LFN PaaS Survey — 60m Seshu Kumar Mudiganti Pankaj.Goyal
This session is to introduce the survey drafted by LFN projects Anuket and XGVela together. Some of the key objectives of this Survey are:
- To understand the state of the industry and trends.
- Collect the organization's input to identify
- Prioritize the Categories and the set of Platform Services that should be provided by the PaaS.
- Understand the integration challenges
- Collect inputs on the software tools, products and services that are used or intend to use for each of the Platform Services.
We would discuss the details of the topics and questioner and the next course of action.
2021-06-07 - Plenary: EUAG NFV Testing Next Steps — 30m guochuyi Lei Huang Beth Cohen Yan Yang
Follow up to NFV testing White Paper – What test suites are needed in the Lab and what other work needs to be done, which will include:
1.What are the common requirements/ information for doing Cross-organization automatic testing
2.What is the requirements for supporting NFs in the testing process considering 5G background
3.AI/ML testing platform
4.Other potential requirements
2021-06-07 - Plenary: Intelligent Networking - Next Steps — 60m Beth Cohen @Yuhan Zhang Lei Huang
Working Session for the AI/ML White Paper – gather requirements from the community for targeting projects , include:
- Requirements of application scenarios
- Network intelligence R&D strategy
- Ecology strategy
- Challenges in intelligent network
- Data/model sharing platform
- AI/ML testing platform
- Other potential requirements...
2021-06-07 - Plenary: Intro to Open Source and LFN — 60 Mins Heather Kirksey
Overview of of open source participation at a high level as well as an overview of LFN's structure. Much of the event will rightly be focused on deep dives and moving the ball forward on specific work items, but for new members, new folks at existing members, and interns, some background context and overall shaping of how progress occurs in such a large and diverse community can be quite useful.
2021-06-07 - Plenary: Welcome and Opening Comments — 30 mins Heather Kirksey
Welcome and opening comments
2021-06-08 - Plenary: EUAG Bi-Weekly/Joint Anuket Meeting — 60m Lei Huang
Regular EUAG Meeting – Needs to be scheduled Tuesday 10AM EST (the regular meeting time)
Plenary: Daily Summaries — 30m
This page will be used to provide a brief summary of the daily topics, provide feedback to the LFN staff, and plan for the next day.
Meeting minutes and action items should be recorded on your Topic page
OpenDaylight Topics
2021-06-08 - ODL - Our Recent Testing with Container Deployment and Observations — 60m, Venkatrangan Govindarajan
ODL - Our Recent Testing with Container Deployment and Observations
- Recently we tried some POC's with ODL deployed as micro service
- We are updating the observations.
2021-06-08 - ODL: Docker and Helm — In this session we will review the plan and the work to get ODL docker images and Helm charts published.
2021-06-08 - ODL: Phosphorus MRI project update. — 60m, Robert Varga
Overview of the changes delivered by the platform projects in the Phosphorus timeframe.
2021-06-08 - ODL: Release Notes Automation — In this session, the process defined to automate ODL release notes publication will be reviewed.
2021-06-08 - ODL: Whither autorelease? — 60m, Robert Varga
The Simultaneous Release is supported by the autorelease project, which now hosts only a few projects. This will be an open discussion as to what options we have and how can we evolve our tooling.
2021-06-09 - ODL: Open discussion forum — 90m
This is a placeholder for open-mic discussion around topics which either cropped up during other sessions or did not fit in them.
ONAP Topics
Anuket Topics
2021-06-08 - Anuket: Cloud-Native Full Stack Conformance Validation Framework — 60 minutes, Deepak Kataria
BluVal (Blueprint Validation) Framework is a cloud native full stack test automation tool based on a disaggregated and layered approach for test and validation of implementations to ensure conformance. BluVal disaggregates the implementation and associated manifests into their layers and provides automated validation framework to test each layer one by one to achieve end-to-end validation of the implementation. All results are standardized by using Robot Framework which creates an html file of test results that is easy to read and interpret. By virtue of its modular design, the BluVal framework is extensible and provides a simple, declarative test harness for authoring and executing test suites. New functional tests can be written up from scratch in Robot, with simple human-readable commands, or existing upstream tests can be quickly integrated with a few lines of template code that can call any other testing or scripting tool. BluVal framework also provides a portal (User Interface) for viewing executed test result.
2021-06-08 - Anuket: Cloud-Native Openstack — 30m Parth yadav
Overview of an academic study/experiment done around OpenStack management and operations. Openstack is a fairly complex open-source cloud software with many loosely coupled components. This presentation covers topics around OpenStack architectural design and cloud-native values that can be built into OpenStack. A cloud-native OpenStack model can decrease the management and operations requirements of OpenStack, make things easy to operate and automate.
2021-06-08 - Anuket: Leftovers of the merger — 45 min | Gergely Csatari | EET
There are several leftovers from the CNTT - OPNFV merger what we should work on. In this session I would like to collect these items and propose resolution if we can.
Leftovers from CNTT what I can remember:
- CNTT GitHub org
- CNTT GitHub project
- https://cntt-n.github.io/CNTT/
- cntt.readthedocs.io/
- http://opnfv.readthedocs.io/
- CNTT Governance docs
- https://www.opnfv.org/
2021-06-08 - Anuket: TSC Regular Open Meeting — 60 Minutes on 8 June at 0600 PDT, using the usual Zoom
This is the regular meeting of the Anuket TSC, where much of the June 8 agenda will likely be dedicated to the impending Kali Release decisions.
2021-06-09 - Anuket: Cloud Infrastructure Security — 60 min Karine Sevilla , Walter.kozlowski (Europe & APAC leaders)
Security is key within a virtualized environment, it's an important topic for Anuket which aims to specify a trusted Cloud Infrastructure for workloads.
During this session, we will discuss the updates made to the Reference Model for Kali release: open source software security, automation security challenges...
2021-06-09 - Anuket: Containerizing Traffic and Load Generators for K8S Performance Testing - Opportunities and Challenges — 30m, Sridhar Rao
Traffic generators and load generators are critical for different performance testing. In this talk we present the opportunities and challenges of containerizing these generators for Kubernetes performance testing.
2021-06-09 - Anuket: Multi/Hybrid Cloud — 60m Ildiko (incl. APAC Topic Leader)
Discussing multi- and hybrid cloud requirements and choices as it is driven by edge and other use cases.
The session is a continuation of the similar discussion at the recent PTG: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ecg-ptg-april-2021
Recording of the PTG discussion: https://zoom.us/rec/share/yMN8QANWzI7FJ_Hh-ys166_sECX2XgSgX-B_jKnnlYh4UjCAv9S32s-9U4mzjUGf.HZIErlBO6LOIMrJz
Relevant RM sections:
RM 3.5.2 Network Layering and Concepts https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter03.md#3.5.2
RM 3.6 Storage https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter03.md#3.6
RM 3.8 Hardware Acceleration Abstraction https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter03.md#3.8
RM 3.8.3 Workload Placement https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter03.md#3.8.3
RM Ch 8 Hybrid Multi-Cloud: Data Center to Edge https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter08.md
Relevant RA sections:
- RA1 3.5 Cloud Topology https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_arch/openstack/chapters/chapter03.md#3.5
- RA1 4.5 Cloud Topology and Control Plane Scenarios https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_arch/openstack/chapters/chapter04.md#4.5
2021-06-09 - Anuket: OpenStack Release Selection — 30 min Pankaj.Goyal Karine Sevilla
Which OpenStack release to select as a baseline for the next RA1 release?
Following RM's developments on acceleration, RA1 must evolve to integrate these new requirements.
2021-06-09 - Anuket: Profiles and Flavours — 60 minutes Riccardo Gasparetto (incl. APAC Topic Leader)
Workloads expect certain capabilities and performance from the resources that they will execute on. Creating workload specific configurations becomes not only unmanageable but may render the resources un-shareable. A profile is a set of resource configurations that meet needs of a family of workloads. Profiles partition the infrastructure resources and, thus, the number of profiles affects resource utilisation. Newer workloads, such as for 5G or O-RAN, leads to demand for new profiles or profile extensions. In Anuket, we recently decided on the concept of profile extensions. With the new definition of two high level profile abstractions and associated profile extensions, flavours have also been redefined. This session will seek a discussion on the efficacy of the adopted approach, alternatives, definition of additional profile extensions, and workload flavours.
2021-06-10 - Anuket: Hardware Acceleration Abstraction — 60m, Arkady Kanevsky (Deactivated)
Anuket is promote HW independent RM, RAs and RC. For accelerators for RAN workload oRAN Alliance is defining Acceleration Abstraction Layer and APIs - https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/872841331/O-RAN.WG6.AAL-GAnP-v01.00.pdf?api=v2. However Kubernetes currently does not have an abstraction for accelerators and each accelerator is handled and need to be programmed to independently. This session will discuss current state of affairs and what can be done to remedy it.
2021-06-10 - Anuket: RA2 status and next steps — 45 min | Gergely Csatari Riccardo Gasparetto | CET, EET
Let's review where are with RA2 and what will be our targets for Lakelse release.
2021-06-10 - Anuket: Release Process Review & Discussion — 60m, David McBride
Review and discuss newly developed Anuket release process. If time permits, we will also look at the schedule for the Lakelse release.
2021-06-10 - Anuket: RI2 Status and Next Steps — 45m, Rihab Banday James Gu
In this session we will review the current status of the RI2 Kuberef and Airship projects and plan the next steps forward. A special focus will be on the requirements, gaps and conformance and how we can best work together.
2021-06-10 - Anuket: Working towards a consolidated documentation — 45 min | Gergely Csatari | EET
Documentation of Anuket is developed in different places and delivered to different places. I think we should keep the option to develop the documentation in different places, but we should deliver the documentation to a single place with similar look and feel. Let's discuss if this is an agreable target and what are the alternatives to achieve it.
2021-06-DD - Anuket: Anuket assured hyperscalers or hyperscaler assured Anuket? — 45 min | Rodrigues, João (Nokia) , Gergely Csatari | CET, EET
Anuket RM and RA2 define the properties for Kubernetes based infrastructures to run CNF-s to ensure quick and easy integration of CNF-s and the infrastructure. With the the different public cloud providers offering CaaS services for telecom applications a new integration front is opened. Is it guaranteed that a CNF compliant with RC2 will run on the hyperscaler CaaS offerings? How well RM and RA2 modells the infrastructure of hyperscalers and what is the best way to ensure interoperability between private and public CaaS offerings?
Tungsten Fabric Topics
2021-06-09 - TF: 5G Private TF/Akrino Blueprint Demo & Build — 60m, Sukhdev Kapur
This session will cover working with the TF Build Environment, how to get started building TF from scratch, and how to produce kernel modules and other artifacts to add support for new distros and kernels to TF.
2021-06-09 - TF: Diving into TF - Bite Sized Lab Environments — 60m, Nick Davey Alexandre Levine
Diving into Tungsten Fabric -Bite size environments for Kubernetes and OpenStack Labs.
This talk will cover the common installation options required to deploy OpenStack and Kubernetes environments for use with Tungsten Fabric. Using the tf-ansible-deployer and container-builder manifests we will explore the common deployment architectures of TF that can be used for lab/validation. We will also provide an overview of how these examples can be modified for use in higher scale/complexity labs and deployments.
2021-06-09 - TF: Release Process and Planning — 40min, Marek Chwal James Kelly (Deactivated)
This topic covers the updated Tungsten Fabric release process and plans for our releases in the upcoming 6 months.
2021-06-10 - TF: Managing Kube-Sprawl with TF — 60m, Sukhdev Kapur Nick Davey
The trend in edge computing and Kubernetes is to deploy a large number of clusters across a wide area network, or across public clouds. This topic will focus on the capabilities of TF that can stitch together Kubernetes clusters and provide seamless networking across disparate clusters.
2021-06-10 - TF: Multicluster Application Aware Security — 60m, Prasad Miriyala
This session will provide an overview of how scalable application centric policies can be used to deliver multi-cluster and multi-orchestrator security. An overview of multicluster overlay networking, and application security will be provided before diving into key enhancements in multicluster policy management.
2021-06-10 - TF: Transition to the Cloud Native Telco Cloud — 60m, Shean Leigon
This topic will cover the features and enhancements in TF that are allowing Telco Cloud deployments to adopt modern Cloud Native practices. This will include an overview of dynamic data plane learning and aliveness validation, BGPaaS for containers, and policy aware routing for multi-interface containers. This session will also cover key advanced networking concepts required to deliver network slicing.
XGVela Topics
2021-06-08 - XGVela: Update & AMAAsk me Anything (AMA) — 30 min
In this session, XGVela TSC will give update on project progress and answer cummunity questions.
2021-06-09 - XGVela: Use Case Discussion — 30min (checking, might need 60min)
In this session, Qihui and Saad will introduce several use cases about PaaS in operators' cloud to show where we need PaaS, what functionalities are requried and how these requirements are aligned with XGVela seedcode functionalities.
2021-06-10 - XGVela: Information Model and APIs — 60 min
In this session, Sandeep and Vance will introduce Information model and API approach for Telco-PaaS functionalities CMaaS, TMaaS, FMaaS and MMaaS.
ODIM Topics
2021-06-08 - ODIM: What's New & 5G Super Blueprint Considerations — 30 min
What has the ODIM project been up to since last event? What is ODIM's role in the 5G Super Blueprint? What are the new services and features planned for