2019 Chair & Vice-Chair Nomination Statements

2019 Chair & Vice-Chair Nomination Statements

Voting & Positions

The vote for the CVC chair and vice-chair positions will be taken as a single vote.  The top ranked candidate will be selected as a chair, while the second ranked candidate will be selected as the vice-chair.  The voting period will be 1 week.

Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)

Lincoln has served as the chair (and previously the vice-chair) since the establishment of the committee (early 2018).  During this time, Lincoln has helped the group finalize and approve the governance and lab strategy documents, while directly participating in the development and launch of OVP VNF program, a revision of the NFVI program, and also create an exception/exemption process.  As the OVP programs continue to evolve, it will be critical for these programs to continue to deliver and meet the expectations on value to the end users.  My goals in continuing to act as the committee chair are the continued alignment of that value proposition, specifically looking to deliver the next stage of VNF validation (life-cycle) testing, which will require a common definition of the testing, MANO (ONAP), and NFVI (OPNFV).  I believe we have the potential to develop a program that will meet end user needs in the next 6 months, provided we can help the technical communities continue to collaborate and build a unified solution.  Lincoln brings 15+ years of experience in broadband technologies and certification programs, leadership, and executive experience.  

Rabi Abdel (Vodafone Group)

Rabi has served as the vice-chair for the committee since 2018. During this time, Rabi has created the program long term vision and brought consensus around it. Rabi's intention is to continue leading this effort and manifest the vision into reality taking it a step at a time. I do strongly believe on the program and the importance of it to operators and vendors. There is a lot still to do and i am positive with dedication and hard work, we will build an E2E framework that will benefit end users and provides a competent program to certify VNFs, NFVI/VIM, and ONAP. Our focus in this program next will be around VNF and NFVI validation and brining in more alignment between ONAP and OPNFV and better define a Minimum Valuable Product (MVP) that will bring an immediate benefit to end users. Rabi has 10+ years of experience in building, operating, and validation cloud deployments. Rabi is currently leading various related programs in the industry such as "Infrastructure Profiling and abstraction" within GSMA, and "Accelerators interfaces" work items within ETSI-NFV. 

Weitao (Victor) Gao (Huawei)

Victor has served as the active contributor for the committee since 2018. During this time, Victor has lead the Joint CVC Meeting to figure out the gap between committee expectations and the reality and solve it. At the meantime, as VNFSDK PTL, Victor also engages VNFSDK team to satisfy the requirements come from the committee. I have been involved with VNFSDK since its inception and worked diligently with all committers/contributors to propose, design, implement and deliver VNFSDK key features, framework, and Architecture in past 4 release(Both OPEN-O and ONAP).  I do believe I can work with both sides to make our committee success.

I want to nominate myself as the candidate for a CVC position. I'd like to work with our CVC team to build de facto industry E2E NFV(e.g. NFVi/xNF) product validation standard, framework, and tools to simplify the tests for the end user.

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