20200220 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
20200220 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
- CNTT_Weekly_Goverance___Final__FIX_input___DRAFT_19Feb2020_.pptx
- CNTT_Status_2020-02-20.pptx
- CNTT_GSMA PRD_update_20200220.pptx
- CNTT Key Metrics 2020
- OPNFV direction and strategy - SPC DISCUSS - CNTT (Feb 20).pdf
- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Jisu Park (GSMA)
- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
- Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
- Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Al Morton (AT&T)
- Jim Baker (LF)
- Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
- Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- Nick Chase (Mirantis)
- Herbert Damker (DT)
- Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
- Rick Tennant (AT&T)
- Michael Fix
- Karine Sevilla (Orange)
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
- William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
- Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
- vincent.danno@orange.com (Orange)
- Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
- speedwyre (AT&T)
- Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
Topics (w/Notes)
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Walk-on Items
- LFN / GSMA 5 min
- GSMA RM PRD update - Jisu
- Cancellation of MWC may result in Jisu being unable to attend
- Action Item – Brian to send communique to GSMA stating importance of having Jisu in LA
- Approval process - all objections will be tracked and addressed for GSMA
- Targeting hosting PRD in Future Networking Group
- Action Item – Need to discuss how to align RM to GSMA release. Can we target launching GSMA in Oct. MWC Las Vegas, so CNTT in Antwerp in Sept. then GSMA MWC.
- How and where do objections get addressed? Different review process and different. – Cross-community Coordination
- Action Item – establish a GSMA<>CNTT communication process for addressing sustainability concerns, feedback. Needs to be addressed in CNTT GitHub version. – Cross-Community Coordination
- LA F2F Planning 5 min
- RI/RC-1 Trial – Goals, Expectation, and Plans 10 min
- Trial expectations draft out by EOW in GitHub - Brian
- Action Item - Review comment on proposal
- Technology Topics
- See material for progress | updates
- Overall Status: Rabi Abdel (VF) 10 min
- CNCF TUG whitepaper to be kept at application level. Request CNTT members review.
- Scott looking at add-ons to Confluence and GitHub.
- RI-RC demo on manifest validations next week.
- CIRV – OPNFV: Michael Fix (AT&T) Qiao Fu (CM) 10 min
- Strategic Planning Committee’s Advice to OPNFV and CNTT (Round 1) 10 min (slide included at top of page)
- Key Message: need CNTT stakeholders to ‘send developers’ for OPNFV activities.
- OPNFV having difficulty with stabilizing platforms
- Understand Cloud Native is different animal – back to message 1.
- Action Item – create a skills/needs list.
- OPNFV needs awareness of kinds of tests to run.
- Some mentoring might be needed.
- Strawman of needs
- Full Stack engineers / thought leaders
- Jr. Engineers for test automation
- Deployment engineers
- Success criteria
- What resources needed?
- What are they going to do?
- Comment – doing best to convey approach that includes OPNFV 2.0 maintains its independence but parallel support
- Action Item – post Al Morton slide Scot
- SPC is LFN Strategic Planning Committee
- Governance Officers Items: 15 min
- F2F Workshop: Rick Tennant (AT&T), Jim Baker (LFN)
- Marketing/Recruitment: Nick Chase (Mirantis), Toshi Wakayama (KDDI), Bob Monkman (Intel),
- Bob - Messaging
- Executive interviews starting, getting good feedback
- Jonathan - Metrics
- Key Metrics 2020 table published in Confluence
- CNTT Key Metrics 2020
- Working in parallel to trial expectations to establish Benchmarks and normalized approach to track results
- Key Metrics 2020 table published in Confluence
- Adoption: Rabi Abdel (Vodafone), Beth Cohen (Verizon), Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- Business Metrics: Jonathan Beltran (AT&T), Jonne Soininen (Nokia), Joanna Newman (VF)
- Cross-Community Coordinator. Phil Robb (Ericsson), Jim Baker (LFN)
- CNF Conformance Test proposal: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Bci-rzXnVqlvT2hhSXCBawtsKf8HURC2K4kJSlnB43Q/edit
- Whitepaper: https://github.com/cncf/telecom-user-group/blob/master/whitepaper/chapter01.md
- Bob - Messaging
- Governance Work Stream Items
- All GitHub Issues
- LA F2F Planning
- RI/RC-1 Trial – Goals, Expectation, and Plans https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues/1113
- Marketing Metrics Adoption Work Stream
- Press Releases around Pre-Launch Trials #1086 Nick Chase
- Messaging Discovery & Execution #1087 Nick Chase
- Execute interviews and gather feedback #1090 Nick Chase
- Get commitments interview senior/vp level business owners #1089 Nick Chase
- Analyze and align messaging #1091 Nick Chase
- Integrate Confluence and Groups.Io data (governance) #1092 Jonathan Beltran
- Engagement Metrics (Scope, Design, Rollout) #1093 Jonathan Beltran
- VNF Onboarding journey touch points #1095 Jonathan Beltran
- Operator additional info data points #1096 Jonathan Beltran
- Develop Benchmarks for Pre-launch Trials #1097 Jonathan Beltran
Join Governance Steering Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 340 965 499
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