20200326 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
20200326 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
- CNTT_Status_2020-03-25.pptx
- CIRV Dashboard
- OPNFV 2.0 Mission Statement - Working Progress
- OPNFV 2.0 Mission Statement - Agreements Capture Page
- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Mark Shostak
- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Michele Zarri (GSMA)
- Rick Tennant (AT&T)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Al Morton (AT&T)
- Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
- Karine Sevilla (Orange)
- Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
- Phil Robb (Ericsson)
- Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
- Jonne Soininen (Nokia)
- William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
- Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
- Scott Steinbrueck (AT&T)
- Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- Nick Chase (Mirantis)
- Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
- Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
Topics (w/Notes)
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Walk-on Items
- Rabi Abdel: GitHub permissions issues causing some problems. An upgrade should resolve the problem
- Action Item: Rabi Abdel Jim Baker Scott Steinbrueck to discuss the $6K cost. GSMA may be able to pay for the upgrade.
- Al Morton
- OPNFV TSC has a resource request for additional support. CNTT, please review: ( https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/Proposal%3A+Incremental+Engineering+Resources+to+Support+CNTT+Initiative )
- Will discuss on next Tuesday's Governance WS Call
- New team mate from GSMA: Martin
- Rabi Abdel: GitHub permissions issues causing some problems. An upgrade should resolve the problem
- LFN / GSMA: Jim Baker (LFN),/Michele Zarri/Tom Van Pelt (GSMA) - 5 min
- LFN: Jim Baker
- Events planning
- All LFN June event is now a Virtual conference. Planning for event is beginning.
- Mainly a Developer/Testing focus (Similar structure to Prague)
- Looking at tools to provide social engagement
- Scot Steele will assist with planning/execution
- April ONES Conference (Virtual)
- ONAP & OPNFV will participate
- Schedule will be adjusted, some topics will be eliminated, some modified. Scot Steele is developing straw-man to present at Gov WS call Tuesday
- All LFN June event is now a Virtual conference. Planning for event is beginning.
- Dev Analytics
- Reporting system for contribution tracking currently in Beta
- Data Cleaning related to affiliation is occurring
- Request: Please look at how to define contribution to improve measuring work vs cosmetic
- Events planning
- Developing approach with LFN Edge
- June – Mobile World Congress in Shanghai.
- Oct. – Mobile World Congress in LA
- Mobile Operator platform – looking for creating facility for exposing capabilities Operators have through a middleware exposed as APIs for developers. First phase is Edge. Looking to adopt a similar model for CNTT so operators can look at output. Requirements being developed now
- GSMA Operator Platform Whitepaper
- LFN: Jim Baker
- Technology Topics Rabi Abdel (VF)/ Walter Kozlowski (Telstra) 10 min
- See Weekly Update Presentation: CNTT_Status_2020-03-25.pptx
- Baldy Release pushed out 1 month
- Impact the ONES conference, Rabi Abdel and Scot Steele working the to right size event topics
- Hallasan release cancelled due to Baldy Delay
- TIP Interested in Field trials with RA2/RI2, Discussion is ongoing
- Baldy Release pushed out 1 month
- See Weekly Update Presentation: CNTT_Status_2020-03-25.pptx
- CIRV – OPNFV: Fu Qiao (CM) 10 min
- RI-RC committers assigned
- Thanks to Fu Qiao
- Need to lock down the Test Case requirements (Musts)
- Matrix will be provided for review
- Looking to reuse other Test Cases from OPNFV. Need helping hand from developers
- Nomination for new PTL
- Email sent out for nominations
- RI-RC committers assigned
OPNFV 2.0 Mission Statement: Fu Qiao (CM) 10 min
- Had special call and worked out final statements for it mission and web statements proposals. Will bring proposal to LFN Board for mission statement change
- Need to address
- Define specific measurements to cover gaps in OPNFV with specific measures
- Release Mgt changes needed
- TSC changes needed
- Other
- CNTT: Please Review #3
- Action Item -- for CNTT Governance please review and comment
- Changes needed for OPNFV
- Changes needed for CNTT
- Define specific measurements to cover gaps in OPNFV with specific measures
Governance Officers Items: 15 min- Governance Steering (Brian Bearden)
- April Virtual Workshop: Scot Steele/Rick Tennant (AT&T), Jim Baker (LFN)
- Virtual Technical Event Planning Coordination with ONAP/OPNFV
- Straw-man schedule for Teusday's Gov WS call
- OPNFV sessions on monday, CNTT Tuesday-thursday
- Action Item: Scot Steele to get topics list/schedule from OPNFV
- Marketing/Recruitment: Nick Chase (Mirantis), Toshi Wakayama (KDDI), Bob Monkman (Intel)
- Interviews:
- Redhat would like to provide
- Session scheduled to analyze results of first 3 interviews
- Tease out themes
- create report format
- Whitepaper
- Contract Writer engaged, need feedback from CNTT officers on T&Cs
- ETSI Plugfest still going on for Jun. successful Event earlier this month. Many VNF vendors participate
- CNTT should consider participating.
- Technical Track
- Rabi: Plan to better align, Terminology, Containerization, Architecture. This is being looked at very seriously.
- Thales - exploring participation with CNTT. Recently acquired a telecom security vendor
- Interviews:
- Adoption: Rabi Abdel (Vodafone), Beth Cohen (Verizon), Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- Business Metrics: Jonathan Beltran (AT&T), Jonne Soininen (Nokia), Joanna Newman (VF)
- Cross-Community Coordinator: Phil Robb (Ericsson), Jim Baker (LFN)
- Governance Work Stream Items
- RI/RC-1 Trial – Goals, Expectation, and Plans https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues/1113
- Marketing Metrics Adoption Work Stream
- Press Releases around Pre-Launch Trials #1086 Nick Chase
- Messaging Discovery & Execution #1087 Nick Chase
- Execute interviews and gather feedback #1090 Nick Chase
- Get commitments interview senior/vp level business owners #1089 Nick Chase
- Analyze and align messaging #1091 Nick Chase
- LCM is out of scope -- but required #1207 Nick Chase
- Integrate Confluence and Groups.Io data (governance) #1092 Jonathan Beltran
- Engagement Metrics (Scope, Design, Rollout) #1093 Jonathan Beltran
- VNF Onboarding journey touch points #1095 Jonathan Beltran
- Operator additional info data points #1096 Jonathan Beltran
- Develop Benchmarks for Pre-launch Trials #1097 Jonathan Beltran
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