20201112 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes

20201112 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes




Topics (w/Notes)

  • Anti-Trust Policies:
  • Walk-on Items

  • Meld Updates Jim Baker (LFN) Scot Steele (AT&T)
    • Vote of Confidence in Meld – Symbolic vote, but it is a vote of confidence in the process and the meld.  Scott S notes that any one can participate in any of the TSC meetings, but only the actual members of the TSC will be able to vote on the newly formed interim TSC.  Ulrich – Does this mean that the organizations that are currently not in OPNFV need to become actual members of Anuket?  Answer is no.  There is no limiting factor to participate in any activities, obviously organizations are encouraged to contribute financially and become members, but it is NOT a requirement.  There is some potential for some possible limitations.
    • From OPNFV Charter: OPNFV TSC Eligibility: "Eligibility (for nomination/voting): All "active contributors" to OPNFV are eligible for running and voting. o Active contributors are determined based on contributions to Git, Gerrit, Jira, and Confluence § Require 20 contributions in total over a 12-month period, counting any of patches merged, reviews made, Wiki page edits, and JIRA activities o PTLs have an input on the "active contributor list" compiled over a 2-week review period (with a view that this step primarily targets at making sure qualified people that haven't been identified via the metric get added to the list).
    • Meld approach for interim TSC nominations Current TSC Members and Officers
  • Field Trials Update Scot Steele (AT&T) 2 min -- Cedric is waiting for the next steps.  
  • LFN / GSMA: Jim Baker (LFN)/Tom Van Pelt (GSMA) -  5 min
  • Technology Topics, Scott Steinbrueck (AT&T) - 8 min
    • OITF - GSMA Task Force Walter.kozlowski  - GSMA endorsement
    • Survey for SDN at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GRQ59TK Ahmed El Sawaf
    • Discussion about vF2F conference, Meld, Issue cleanup automation
    • CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle

       Click here to expand...

      CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle
      Schedule  https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/milestones
      M1Release PlanningCreate the high level scope (in sections below)




      M2Issue LoggingCreate initial list of Github issues, starting with issues that match the scope planned in M1


      M3Freeze ContributionsUpdate content via PRs, matching to issues created in M2/M3


      M4Freeze ProofreadingFind typo's, correct with PRs


      M5Release CandidateSelect release content


      M6Release SignoffPackage the release, setup tag at ReadTheDocs
















  • CIRV – OPNFV:  Fu Qiao (CM) 5 min – Almost finished documents.  
  • Marketing/Metrics/Adoption: Nick Chase (Mirantis), Toshi Wakayama (KDDI), Bob Monkman (Intel) - 5 Min  – Dropping topic as this has moved over to Meld work at this point.
  • Cross-Community Coordinator: Phil Robb (Ericsson), Jim Baker (LFN) - 2 Min

Minutes -

CNCF CNF Working group is getting kicked at Kubecon next week. https://kccncna20.sched.com/event/fRkx new CNF working group - presentation material https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1k2aKl2TE-uwApO9CTufBNxbXp6xchNJYufpFI9oUxSY/edit#slide=id.g9fc9dfba0a_0_217  There will be lots of opportunity for synergy between the Anuket and CNCF Workforce.  


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