Meeting 022321

Meeting 022321






@Brandon Wick

Linux Foundation

Lincoln Lavoie


@LJ Illuzzi

Linux Foundation

Marco Hernandez


@Amar Kapadia

Aarna Networks

Rajat Gupta


Sriram Rupanagunta

Aarna Networks

Ranny Haiby

Samsung (TAC)

Herman Parsehyan


Sriram Vishwanath


Sveto Ignjatovic


William Caban

Red Hat

Per Andersson


Hanen Garicia

Red Hat

Sandeep Pansear


Seshu Kumar



  • LF Anti-trust Compliance Notice

  • ODIM

  • LFN TAC Paper

  • Status Update

  • Demo Marketing

  • Meeting Schedule

LF Anti-trust

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.


The ODIM project is interested in potentially integrating with demo stack. Learn about ODIM here: www.odim.io. Louis and William gave an overview. ODIM uses the abstraction layer, exposes RedFish interfaces. Any RedFish API plugin should work. Overall, ODIM appears complimentary to the demo effort. ODIM's first release was Jan, and intends to join LFN in March. 


There is an opportunity to propose that the LFN Demo be the subject of the 2021 LFN TAC Whitepaper.

The paper will describe the story behind the demo (motivation, history, technical details) and will suggest how the same concepts may be used for future use cases. It will highlight the benefits of the LFN projects and especially the synergies that may be created by using them together. But we need SMEs to sign up to contribute. Learn more and sign up here: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Rifv.

LFN Focus: The demo requires a critical mass of LFN projects in order to qualify. There was a discussion about which LFN projects are actively involved: ONAP is involved with the Guilin release running at UNH-IOL and will be used to showcase E2E 5G network slicing. Anuket Barometer project is involved to show telemetry. Now looking to integrate with the RA2 workstream. Brandon and Amar to follow up with the Anuket PTLs. Volunteers needed, please sign up. 

Status Update

FlexRAN + Altran RAN + OpenShift Containers Update (Hanen/Rajat/Sam)

Hanen currently working with Sam on Intel lab set up. Once done, this will be mirrored in Montreal. Indoor/outdoor radios. 3.5 band, 48. 

5G Radio Update (Sriram V)

Radio being shipped to North America. Planning a Faraday cage for indoor antenna. Hanen building a Faraday cage and will share cage specs. Once received from China, radio will be tested and shipped to Montreal. Will need to go through customs

E2E 5G Slicing Update (Sriram R)

Making progress, slow but have a plan. Guilin is up and running at UNH-IOL. Altran latest version running on OpenShift running. Plumbing specified how to integrate Altran 5G core with ONAP modules.  

UE Handset

We have a UE for the demo.

Demo Marketing

How To Page: How to replicate the demo page now moved over to LFN Wiki: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/WCjv. Please review and add your demo contribution set up. 

Video Series: We'll be using this How to guide for short video interviews with demo participants that we'll also turn into blog and promote through LF/LFN channels. 

This will keep our marketing active and help us lead up to and promote the next demo version to be unveiled in the Summer/Fall.

Meeting Schedule

Confusion and conflicts around this time. Suggest moving back to 8:00 AM PT time slot for the next meeting in 2 weeks. Meeting invites will be sent to the mailing list and updated on the groups.io calendar.