Meeting 112321 - Magma Slicing Discussion

Meeting 112321 - Magma Slicing Discussion

Meeting Recording

Chat File

Magma Slack:

#project-5g-slicing - Slack channel under Magma Slack dedicated to slicing and slicing security. This is where followup discussions will proceed.



Aarna Networks





  • DARPA Ops 5G program interested in network slicing capabilities of Magma.

  • Magma at the early stages of developing network slicing and slicing security capabilities.

  • What will be the capacities of network slicing in Magma? Feature roadmap?

  • Leverage the network slicing capabilities provided by ONAP and interface to Magma to support network slicing.

  • Some devices may need default slice information. What can be/will be provided?

    • Android OS 12 and Google Pixel 6 to support slicing. Can testing be done with this device? What other devices are being considered for network slicing testing?

    • Magma supports default subscription information in the case where the UE does not provide it.

  • GenXComm is RAN provider for DARPA Ops 5G test bed and has experience with Magma as well as RAN support for network slicing.

  • Details on admission control and session management schema in Magma was discussed (Suresh/ (Wavelabs)- timestamp 08:53). An overview of slice instance onboarding was shared (can Suresh provide for reference?)

Timestamp 11:30:

  • Secure network slicing discussion. Timestamp: 18:07

    • Ops 5G program has a separate technical area working on secure network slicing. Michael August has lead.

    • Technical schema details and feature/roadmap alignment discussed between DARPA Ops 5G and Magma.

  • AI’s/Takeaways:

    • Overview on admission control and session management schema in Magma. Can Suresh provide the slides?

    • Develop a prioritized list of security concerns for slicing that would be/could be implemented in Magma.

    • Michael August can provide slides slicing security overview planned for DARPA Ops 5G.

    • Slack channel under Magma Slack dedicated to slicing and slicing security: #project-5g-slicing (https://magmacore.slack.com/archives/C01PC1QA3QF). The team would like the discussion to proceed here.

    • Further discussion on Magma architecture and requirements around RAN with Hardik/GenXComm.