Meeting 080321 (Demo Deep Dive)

Meeting 080321 (Demo Deep Dive)

Attendees: PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME HERE USING YOU LF ID. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE, GET IT HERE: https://myprofile.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/.

Meeting Bridge: Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99018479008, Meeting ID: 990 1847 9008, Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abRK2FZlf1





@LJ Illuzzi


@Brandon Wick


@Amit Kapoor


@Amar Kapadia

Aarna Networks

@Sveto Ignjatovic (Deactivated)


@Ganesh Venkatraman (Deactivated)


@Rajat Gupta


@Sam Diep


@Sriram Rupanagunta

Aarna Networks

@Rajendra Mishra

Aarna Networks

Yogendra Pal

Aarna Networks

@jali (Deactivated)


NOTE: This is the weekly technical deep dive call to prep the latest version of the 5G Cloud Native Network Demo for ONE Summit 2021, Oct 11-12. If you would like the meeting invite, please email bwick@linuxfoundation.org and lilluzzi@linuxfoundation.org.

Program Management

A daily standup call as been established on Slack:


Time- 10am ET/7am PT Daily

Location- https://lfn-demo.slack.com/archives/C01J7F0GXFH

Call Schedule / New Participants

This call has changed to weekly at 7:00 AM PT on Tuesdays leading up to ONE Summit in the fall. Welcome new participants.

Status Check / Open Questions

Slack Communications:

Great traction on the Slack Channel. Let's keep it up! https://join.slack.com/t/lfn-demo/shared_invite/zt-pcf5086a-l0i926BOhc9pzf5_mVDhtA.

Slicing: (Rajendra, Yogendra, 8/2)

- All pods are up for NGC core.

- License server is not working correctly. It is under debug. (Rajat/Hanen so advise, separate meeting). 
     We are suspecting that it is not able to access the host MAC address for validation.
  - For firewall we are still waiting for response from A10. A fresh image is needed. Konstantin providing support. Will provide a link to image/Helm charts. Is there a network structure to review (with Traffic flow). Sveto can advise. 

Emulator Next Steps? Rebaca Team? Raja from Rebaca on the call. Needs access to servers, 3 VMs, video server and client server to show video of the data. ABot containerized version? Raja to look into it. This is preferred. Option 2: Run VMs using Kubevirt, Option 3: Find temporary server. 

Firewall: (Yogendra/Konstantin 8/2)

Last time (VCO 2.0) image is not available any more (I have checked with Sandeep who was working on it previously).
So, we need to start from scratch again. Please share the A10 image to download for deployment in the MTL lab.

Once 5GC Up and running, need to connect with Kaloom UPF. (Amar idea). Once slicing server done, some configuration required. 

RAN/Radio: (Amit/Rajeshi/Sam 8/2)

CapGemini: We have restructured the folder and have installed all necessary prerequisite required for 5GStack. Also, we have installed the utilities required to build the orchestrated platform using K8s and Docker. The server now behaves as a single master worker node. Three pods - L1+DU, CUCP and CUUP, are deployed on the same using Helm Chart. These pods are dummy as of now, as the functionality is blocked. We are further ready to check on the integration part and proceed further.

Amit/Sam: The currently L1 deployment is on baremetal and we've tested with Timer mode and is running properly. Will be migrated to 21.03  and validate the XRAN mode.

Radio shipping: Need to factor in shipping times, customs, configuration. When needed in Montreal? 

Ganesh/Harki in discussions. Because of latency, setting up 2 radios. 1 in Austin with FlexRAN. Has new FLexRAN. Sam to connect with Hardik on Slack on this piece. Shipping 1 this to Montreal. Action: Hardik to ship radio this week. 

Demo Options for ONE Summit:

Review of last year's demo/promos. Setting up a separate call with Brandon/Louis/Heather/Amar/Hanen. Will send out a Doodle Poll. Please indicate if you would like to join the call. (Brandon)

Keynote Video (Starts at 29:50): 

Booth Video: 

How to Page: How to Set Up the 5G Cloud Native Network Demo

Demo Timeline:

  • Final Testing and Configuration: Jul 27, 2021 - Sep 10, 2021 (Sept 10 ambitious, keep for now to keep things moving)

  • Presentation Development: Sep 13, 2021 - Oct 1, 2021 

    • Slideware/script/video(s)/animation

  • ONE Summit: Oct 11, 2021 - Oct 12, 2021 

Video Capture platform options (Louis)- (Loom, Ezvid, FreeCam)


REMINDER: "Document as you Build" approach would help expand our options

Slack Communications: The team needs to use the SLACK channel. Who is in Slack? Who is missing? Need to use it!



Notes from calls 072721

Status Check / Open Questions


License issue status? Ready to add emulator/Rebaca? Ready to test for demo? (Sriram/Rajenda)

Licensing issue resolved. Deployment of NGC in progress on Montreal cluster. Working around some issues. UNH Server→local server. Slice creation and E2E data flow.

UNH Resources secured through Jan 2022. Rajendra in touch with Rebaca. They need access to UNH Server (VPN), access issue. Rajendra to connect with Sveto.

Preparing another host to build the NFS Server.

Rebaca to deploy containers on the same cluster: LFN Cluster 1 (Kaloom) Emulating the network to test the core. 


Running in UNH. Replicating in Montreal. Status? Synch for remote instal. Status? (Amit/Sveto)

CapGemini has access, FTP link for binaries uploading. Some access issues, working to resolve. 

FPGA sent? Yes. (Nidhi) FPGA received and swapped out. Nidhi or Sam need to connect. 


VPN connections for testing (Sveto/Hardik) VPN in place. GenXComm, to assess testing (RU/FlexRAN/Latency) to see if this makes sense. Ganesh to connect offline today and confirm the plan. Needs FlexRAN in place pre-testing (on FPGA). Brandon to follow up on FlexRAN installation.

Need to factor in shipping times, customs, configuration.

Demo Options for ONE Summit:

Review of last year's demo/promos. (Brandon)

Rough Timeline (Brandon)

  • Final Testing and Configuration: Jul 27, 2021 - Sep 10, 2021 (Sept 10 ambitious, keep for now to keep things moving)

  • Presentation Development: Sep 13, 2021 - Oct 1, 2021 

    • Slideware/script/video(s)/animation

  • ONE Summit: Oct 11, 2021 - Oct 12, 2021 

Video Capture platform options (Louis)- (Loom, Ezvid, FreeCam)


Core/Kaloom UPF. Firewall (A10) Checking on licensing. new cluster, might have to change FW rules. Brandon to reach out to Konstantin.

REMINDER: "Document as you Build" approach would help expand our options

Other Ideas (Heather)

Slack Communications: The team needs to use the SLACK channel. Who is in Slack? Who is missing? Need to use it!
