MeldOps 2020-09-24 Meeting notes
MeldOps 2020-09-24 Meeting notes
Sep 24, 2020
@Jim Baker @Heather Kirksey @Sunku Ranganath (Deactivated) @Lincoln Lavoie @Phil Robb @Scot Steele @Georg Kunz @Ulrich Kleber @Ahmed ElSawaf
Discuss the scope of the workgroup
Review and refine the task list associated with the workgroup
Determine a good standing meeting time (or set of times for a doodle poll)
Solicit community leadership for the workgroup
Discussion items
Leadership possibilities - makes a lot of sense to have coleads from the respective communities
@Scott Steinbrueck
@Georg Kunz
Prioritize/add due dates to the task list for creating focus and clarity of what's next in the MeldOps
Action items
@Jim Bakerset standing meeting for MeldOps Sep 25, 2020
@Jim Baker create a prioritization and date planning session w @Georg Kunz and @Scott Steinbrueck