Meld Ops and Org 2020-11-12 Meeting notes

Meld Ops and Org 2020-11-12 Meeting notes


Nov 12, 2020


  • @Jim Baker @Ulrich Kleber @Mark Beierl @Scot Steele @Georg Kunz @Heather Kirksey @Ildiko @Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated)  @Al Morton @Toshi Wakayama @Phil Robb @Sunku Ranganath (Deactivated)   @Trevor Cooper @Bob Monkman (Deactivated) @Jonne Soininen @William DIEGO (Orange) @David McBride

Discussion items










Interim TSC election plans

@Jim Baker

  • OPNFV election for Anuket TSC starts Nov 13, 2020 

  • CNTT to nominate Anuket TSC representation ??


Conformance projects - what they deliver

@Trevor Cooper


Business Coordination Function

@Scot Steele

Followup on scope


Release artifact discuss and agree

@Mark Beierl



Interim Election Plans 

  • CNTT wishes that there is a good balance between operators and vendors

  • Plan: CNTT wait until OPNFV elected Anuket TSC members are named, then add additional operators (5) and suppliers (2)

  • Participating members of CNTT have reviewed and agreed to this approach

  • OPNFV elections complete Nov 20, 2020 

  • CNTT nominating complete Nov 25, 2020 

  • Push TSC chair and subsequent milestones out to the following Tuesday @Jim Baker

Business Coordination Function

  • Over all organizational structure suggests the Business Coordination function is a part of the TSC and should be managed by the TSC

  • Either a separate workgroup or TSC members driving an initiative

  • Consensus: Keep it simple - they are necessary functions, TSC makes the decisions on how to accomplish the goals

@Trevor Cooper has updated the org picture after the discussion ... see new page Anuket Org and Deliverables (Proposal)

Release Artifact Review and Decision

  • What are RC and RI specifically?

  • Is RI a recipe OR a running instance?

    • A RI is NOT a platform - it is a recipe that allows anyone to follow the recipe and end up with a conformant implementation

    • RI = a set of artifacts that allow others to build conformant instances

    • RI is NOT a production ready instance

    • RI is dependent on RC for completion of the testing process

  • Additional work required to map the work onto projects/staffing and RA2 variants

@Trevor Cooper has created a new page and added notes from the discussion Anuket Org and Deliverables (Proposal)

Action items