2020-11-12 Marketing Meeting Agenda/Notes

2020-11-12 Marketing Meeting Agenda/Notes


  • Branding Concepts & Logos Review

  • Messaging Framework Review

  • Launch Ideas: Webinar / Panel


@Scot Steele @Bob Monkman (Deactivated) @Nick Chase @Beth Cohen @Brandon Wick @William DIEGO (Orange) @Anjali Goyal @Jill Lovato @Heather Kirksey


Branding Concepts & Logos Review

The team reviewed the concept mood board, color palate, font, and 3 logo options for Anuket (attached Below). The proposed font, Amaranth for headlines and Open Sans for body text, was approved. For colors, we preferred the second choice (with more primary blues and greens and a rose accent color), but requested a new yellow/gold. It was suggested we look at potentially incorporating a yellow close to a traditional Egyptian pigment color  like the Orpiment and the Lead Antimonate. For logos, we eliminated the 2nd/middle option (spiky head dress), and are focusing on option 1, Concept 1A (original version) (lotus flower) and Option 3, Concept 2A (river waves + moon). We are suggesting adding a wave line to this one and trying a concept that more prominently ties in the moon with the new yellow color. The next and possibly final round of colors/logos will be reviewed next Thursday. Our goal is to finalize the brand platform before Thanksgiving. 

Messaging Framework Review

The team reviewed the current Anuket messaging platform seen here. Bob made some suggestions for elevator pitches of different lengths and we discussed the other sections. The Market Dynamic section should include the business of 5G and what are the challenges to overcome, and how Anuket accelerates network transformation. The team is asked to take another pass at entering their ideas and initial proposed blurb to the framework before the next call. 

Launch Ideas: Webinar / Panel

For the launch of Anuket in mid-January, the team is gravitating toward an extended LFN Webinar,  2-4 hours. Press will be invited. A potential agenda could be and Intro, presentations from key groups, an operator panel, and Q&A. Press will be invited and there was a discussion of the changing media landscape in telecom. This event will be a chance reset w/ media/Analysts going into 2021. An event outline will be proposed on the next call. 

Anuket Mood Board.png


Egyptian Pigment Colors.png