2020-12-03 Marketing Meeting Agenda/Notes

2020-12-03 Marketing Meeting Agenda/Notes


  • Anuket Logo Review

  • Messaging Framework

  • Comms Planning

  • Pitch Deck / Quotes

  • Meeting Time


@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) @Brandon Wick @Heather Kirksey @Jill Lovato @William DIEGO (Orange) @Scot Steele @Nick Chase

Anuket Logo Review

The team reviewed the final Anuket Brand Concept Framework seen here: anuket_logo_120120lr.pdf. The full logo suite, brand guidelines, and branding story docs are now under development

Messaging Framework

The team reviewed the current messaging framework and took the action to consolidate the comments and aim to make this final/approved by the next meeting. The current, proposed messaging is available here: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/2YTm.

Comms Planning

The team reviewed a draft comms plan available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ifT6-HGczTXZap10tddQIqwPtZuJwl1KKNBFbrOeZhk/edit?usp=sharing. Next steps are to identify the speakers/topics for the "meaty" discussions, short executive video snippets, and to create initial messaging/details for the registration page. 

Pitch Deck / Quotes

Bob is leading the outreach to key community members / executives for supporting quotes. These will be leveraged for the launch materials and pitch deck.

Meeting Time

The current meeting time (Thursdays at 9:00 AM PT) is problematic for multiple team members. We'll continue to meet at this time through 2020 and change to a more convenient time in 2021. Brandon will send out invitations for Dec 10 and Dec 17 and a Doodle poll to help determine a better time next year. In 2021, we'll continue to meet weekly through Q1 and then reassess.