2021-01-22 Marketing Meeting Agenda/Notes
Launch Event (Registrations: 206)
Slide Decks
Press Release
Launch Quotes
Launch Event
Speaker Outreach / Confirmation Status / Proposed Agenda: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/l4bm
Slide Decks
Heather overview base slides under development. Status?
Decks Required:
Overview Deck UNDER DEV
Operator / Biz Deck (Beth) RECEIVED
Project / Technical Deck (Georg Gergely) RECEIVED
Press Deck UNDER DEV
Master Pitch Deck (a combo of all)
Press Release
Draft under development here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1km_aZj_Ou-9zRkmxo_KWsSJrB7-PRiakNZh0ppuWQXQ/edit
Launch Quotes
Bob is leading the outreach to key community members / executives for supporting quotes. Deadline for Quotes?
Shared Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AgzoNW8XsGdy8LdCNH2IqDmNWwsKNw_Nb22vRihi6IQ/edit
Under Development on staging site, can share a overall template review.
Need website copy review + additional FAQs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SDAVog3Gq3R_YyFjEo4vpJbKGGimWdpntQg1RUDDjvE/edit#