2020-12-10 Marketing Meeting Agenda/Notes


  • Messaging Framework Review

  • Comms Planning

  • Pitch Deck / Quotes

  • Holiday Schedule


Messaging Framework

The current, proposed messaging is available here: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/2YTm.

Comms Planning

The current comms plan available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ifT6-HGczTXZap10tddQIqwPtZuJwl1KKNBFbrOeZhk/edit?usp=sharing.

Next steps are to identify the speakers/topics for the "meaty" discussions, short executive video snippets, and to create copy for the registration page.

Anuket Swag Ideas?

Pitch Deck / Quotes

Bob is leading the outreach to key community members / executives for supporting quotes. These will be leveraged for the launch materials and pitch deck.

Holiday Schedule

LFN Team is available next week, then offline for 2 weeks.