2020-09-08 [CNTT EDGE] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2020-09-08 [CNTT EDGE] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Please add your name below: Name (Company) :

  • @Ahmed El Sawaf (stc)

  • @Beth Cohen (Verizon)

  • @Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)

  • @Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)

  • Mehmet Toy (Verizon)

  • @Carlo Cavazzoni (TIM)

Agenda and Minutes:


Decision to move most of the work on to the backlog of this release and not try to get it in half baked.  Get your requests into for the upcoming Workshop.  Edge will be unaffected by Meld activities.

Get someone from the KubeEdge project to speak to the team about that project – @Ildikohas a contact (Kevin Wong) and will try to do a joint meeting with OSF Edge WG .  https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=8rjk8o516vfte21qibvlae3lj4%40group.calendar.google.com

KubeEdge group has two meetings on Wednesday China standard time.  Will need to schedule the best time.