2020-09-08 [CNTT EDGE] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Please add your name below: Name (Company) :
@Ahmed El Sawaf (stc)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
@Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
@Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
Mehmet Toy (Verizon)
@Carlo Cavazzoni (TIM)
Agenda and Minutes:
Anti-Trust Policies:
Agenda Bashing
Conferences and Presentations:
-- Pankaj added a workstream session. Ahmed put in one for the Edge workstream. We should ask for 2 hours. Will more content faster from more people.
status: ?? Presentation submitted for the Open Infrastructure Summit on https://cfp.openstack.org/app/presentations/24569/summary Better Together Edge: Building Cross Community Consensus
Start the Architecture (OS and K8s )
RA01 issue : https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues/1660 – Issue Closed
RA01 Issue: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues/1573 – Updates to RA1 Chapters 2,3,4 with Edge elements needed. – Please work on it.
RA02 issue : https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues/1661 – Still open. What needs to be done?
May 29: M1 (Release Planning/Requirements)==> Done
Jun 19: M2 (Issue Logging)==> Done
Sep 14: M3 (Freeze contributions)
Outlines and Roadmap items :
Do we need it right now (Y/N)
LF-Edge -akraino : Presentation about Akraino Edge work and how it can fit with this workstream, also talk about other LFEdge Projects
OpenStack - StarlingX :
GSMA - LFN joint meeting to discuss mutual work, will probably be more that will come back into the Edge CNTT group. GSMA has two working groups, Requirements (Specs for Telco Edge Clouds) and Trials (Commercialization of the Edge, work between vendors and Telecos) groups.
TIP : update , we have a meeting with TIP& FB
O-RAN = WG 6 – Had one meeting before Rabi left. Ahmed is working to pick it up again.
ONAP – Maybe for the TSC rather than just Edge. How would we consume ONAP differently at the Edge?
CNCF – KubeEdge,
Meeting Calendar (added by Pankaj)
update meeting calendar with the correct time and other information
Decision to move most of the work on to the backlog of this release and not try to get it in half baked. Get your requests into for the upcoming Workshop. Edge will be unaffected by Meld activities.
Get someone from the KubeEdge project to speak to the team about that project – @Ildikohas a contact (Kevin Wong) and will try to do a joint meeting with OSF Edge WG . https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=8rjk8o516vfte21qibvlae3lj4%40group.calendar.google.com
KubeEdge group has two meetings on Wednesday China standard time. Will need to schedule the best time.