2021-02-04 - OpenDaylight new TSC expectations talk

2021-02-04 - OpenDaylight new TSC expectations talk

Topic Leader(s)

  • @Robert Varga

  • @Guillaume Lambert

Topic Overview

Open Discussion on how new TSC members expect to make evolve on the current TSC way of functioning. Former TSC members and other contributors are welcome to participate.

Agenda items:

  • TSC long-term goals

  • Release naming

  • (add others)

Slides & Recording


  • possible topics presentation on the slides

  • Release naming
    several possibilities

    • @Guillaume Lambert Guillaume: release number rather than periodic (lighty style)

    • @Robert Varga : ubuntu style with year number - for SR, just an increment x.1, x.2, etc (@Casey Cain  +1 @Cédric Ollivier +1)


      • @Olivier Dugeon : Release version vs Project version : Nexus to take into account, version difficult to know which version package - tag the package with the release

        • Robert : technical difficulties for this, historically we have to abandon this idea. No sure how to fix this concern.

        • Olivier: in that case, it must be easier to use the release number. Each project package has its own revision.

        •  Not all projects follow OpenDaylight numbering. Maintain a list of correspondence or align every project to OpenDaylight version.

        • Robert: we need to separate technical versioning vs semantic versioning.

        • @Cédric Ollivier : we shoudn't roll projects without any change to please the project release name (see a few OPNFV projects) - Release version vs Project versions
          first topic: release naming (Robert) - not clear today

    • Olivier: we need release notes that identifies these releases
      Robert : rather an automatic JIRA issue filler - there is a plugin to fill ReadTheDocs with JIRA but we did not manage to make it work. (link with Navid's topic)
      Action Point:
      @Cédric Ollivier :

      • we should be independant as much as possible from the bug tracking system

      • the workflow can be deduced from git history and automatically manages the JIRA status (Partially closed, closed, etc.)

      • Robert: the problem is in the link between the bug tracking system and the documentation - We agree to disagree (@Cédric Ollivier yes + best practices vs existing).

      • @Cédric Ollivier : to deep dive into the link between the bug tracking system and the documentation 

@Casey Cain discussion about marketing CLI tooling, LFX insights, security - whos is leveraging OpenDaylight - next events

Relationships with other LFN instances / possible synergies:

  • introduction from Casey: many projects want to make the shift to k8s - OpenDaylight can leverage this - TAC and SPC followed by Abhijit this last year.

  • Robert: infrastructure and how to better work with LF IT - with MRI project, CD pipelines to dig - ONAP uses OpenDaylight 18 months later...

  • mastering JJB not easy for developer, although JJB itself is very powerful → how can we make developers life easier ? (Xtesting, workflow visualization, etc)

  • Cedric: we are not leveraging the best of Jenkins : Robert + 1 Guillaume +1

  • Cedric: pros and cons of jobs vs pipelines

  • @Cédric Ollivier we could leverage Kubernetes runners (dynamic, docker env, etc.)

Action Items

@Guillaume LambertFeb 9, 2021  to send an email about the release new naming convention and create a vote poll on the the wiki.
@Casey Cain Mar 4, 2021 make a IT ticket or see if an internship can look at JIRA ticket auto-filling  documentation system.