2021-02-03 - ONAP: Control Loop in TOSCA

2021-02-03 - ONAP: Control Loop in TOSCA


Topic Leader(s)

  • @Liam Fallon

  • @Michela Bevilacqua

  • @Pamela Dragosh

Topic Overview


Describe and show progress so far in defining, commissioning and initializing control loops using TOSCAThe goal of the work is to extend and enhance the current ONAP Control Loop support to provide a complete open-source framework for Control Loops. This will enhance the current support to provide TOSCA based Control Loop definition and development, commissioning and run-time management. The participants that comprise a Control Loop and the metadata needed to link the participants together to create a Control Loop are specified in a standardized way using the OASIS TOSCA modelling language. The TOSCA description is then used to commission, instantiate, and manage the Control Loops in the run time system.

Slides & Recording


Session Recording

Session Chat Transcript

Tosca Control Loop Honolulu PoC: Recording of Working Demo



  • Background

  • Principles

  • Control Loop in Tosca PoC: What is new in Rel H

  • PMSH and Rel H Demo

  • Live Demonstration (10 mins)

  • Take away and next steps



  •  Scope of the Control Loop in TOSCA PoC recap highlighting then what is new in Rel H and the principles are driving the PoC.

  • Live demo has been progressed but we had to face off some network issues/monitor freeze.

  •  Full demo recording is available in "slide and recording" session above. For any further question, you are welcome to contact us

  • Looking for collaboration: Use Case, Architecture , Contributions




Action Items