2021-02-03 - ONAP: Documentation starter kit
Topic Leader(s)
@Eric Debeau
@Andreas Geißler
@Sofia Wallin
Topic Overview
ONAP documentation is based on RST files that are managed as code in Gerrit. A dedicated tool chain is then used (Sphinx) to publish the content as HTML files in ReadTheDocs. This session will detail the different tool used to genereta the doc and will present a local environment to help anyone to produce RST files and to validate them locally and to preview the content in the local environment (cf https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Local+environment+to+write+RST+files).
Slides & Recording
Eric presented his slides:
How the documents are organized in the git repos
How the jenkins job builds the documentation from RST files (Tool Chain)
Proposal for the local environment setup to ease the RST creation and verification
Demo for the Toolset: https://www.katacoda.com/ericdebeau/scenarios/doc_as_code
Discussion and questions:
document verification has to be included in the Jenkins Verify Job and return -1 when detecting failures
(https://jenkins.onap.org/view/rtdv3-global/)→ This is planned for Honolulu
doc_as_code toolset for VisualStudioCode looks very useful and will be tested ASAP (Andreas,Thomas)