2021-03-17 MAC Minutes

2021-03-17 MAC Minutes

Attendees & Representation 





@Lindsey Sech

Intel (MAC Chair)

Paul Joshi


Neal Hartsell


Seshu Kumar

Huawei (XGVela Rep)

Stefan Kindt


Yves Bellego


Bob Monkman

Intel (Anuket Rep)

Adam Grochowski 

Juniper (Tungsten Fabric Rep)

Filip Cuzy


Sandeep Panesar


Geoff Hultin


John DeGiglio

Intel (FD.io Rep)

Nick Chase


LF Staff: Brandon Wick, Jill Lovato, Heather Kirksey, Kenny Paul, Trishan de Lanerolle


Available here: 


  • ONEEF Update

  • Webinars Update

  • XGVela Intro

  • 5G Super Blueprint

  • Survey: Cloud Native Maturity Model for Operators

  • LFN Comms / Strategy / Messaging

  • LFN MAC Vice-Chair

  • MAC Action List

House Keeping

  • Start the Recording

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Roll Call

  • Agenda Bashing


ONEEF Update

Virtual event held last week was a success with over 1,000 registrations and high quality content. Presentations available on demand: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-networking-and-edge-exec-forum

Webinars Update

We have 3 webinars queued up for the end of March. Please register and or help spread the word. Details here: https://www.lfnetworking.org/resources/lfn-webinar-series/. If you have a webinar idea, please let us know. 

XGVela Intro

The new XGVela MAC liaison, Seshu Kumar, provided an update. Learn more: https://xgvela.org/.

5G Super Blueprint

Amar was unable to attend, Brandon presented the slides he created for ONEEF. There is a lot of community interest around the blueprint and its applicability to the overall LFN value proposition. New parties wanting to contribute to the 5G Super Blueprint / LFN 5G Cloud Native Network Demo should sign up here: https://www.lfnetworking.org/5g-super-blueprint/.

Survey: Cloud Native Maturity Model for Operators

Heather gave an update. A survey will be launched in the coming weeks and operators are encouraged to sign up. A new survey landing page will be available soon and LFN members are encouraged to sign up. 

LFN Comms / Strategy / Messaging

Brandon/Lindsey gave an update. A working group is forming to flesh out the LFN messaging framework. Deliverables will be a few slides and a 1-3 messaging doc. Thanks to those who have already volunteered. Please volunteer for the working group by emailing bwick@linuxfoundation.org. Brandon will schedule 2 calls for the coming weeks. LFN Staff will create a slack channel to facilitate collaboration. 

LFN MAC Vice-Chair

LFN Vice-Chair Duties will include:

  • Collaborate with MAC Chair and LFN Staff on LFN Marketing planning and execution

  • Bring an additional perspective on open source marketing best practices

  • Serve as community marketing representative when MAC Chair is unavailable

  • Expected to serve a one-year term

Details are on the wiki here: LFN MAC Vice Chair

The MAC agreed to create the position if there is an interested candidate. Please email bwick@linuxfoundation.org by March 26th.

MAC Action List

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