2021 LFN Messaging Workshop 061121

2021 LFN Messaging Workshop 061121

Supporting Documents

UPDATED Slide Presentation for today

Current LFN Messaging

Current LFN Personas


@Brandon Wick @Jill Lovato @Lindsey Sech @Ranny Haiby @Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Neil Hartsell @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti @Sandeep Panesar

Lindsay led a review of the latest messaging deck. A version of this deck will be presented to the LFN board in July.

Open Source Backgrounder will be put into backup. 

Proof Points Idea: Bring 1 proof point deck forward. The rest  of the personas can go into back up.

A question was raised if other non-functional aspects (in addition to security). We can weave in a mention of this, e.g. "feature development" in our our overall messaging. 

Projects are all concerned about all FCAPS, particular focus on security based on world events. 

Volunteers are needed to continue to tweak the personas (can happen offline). 

For example, is Sally supposed to be an active contributor to the project, or end user? Will we lose the higher level folks? There was an idea to make Sally more influencer, a thought leader. "Bring your ideas, and shine in your innovation." Motivate people to become contributors. "Swim in a great ecosystem of ideas." "Become a leader/influencer in the community."

Next Steps: Send out the latest to this group, ask for feedback. Volunteers to take personas and clean them up. 


Notes from the last call

Presentation to EUAG Last Week

Lindsey presented our messaging work to date to the EUAG last week. Overall affirmation of the messaging direction. China Mobile and Verizon will look at providing additional feedback.


Team reviewed and edited draft security statement for the Open Source Background Section: 

"Linus's Law famously states that "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.” Software that is open is reviewable by anyone, which means a higher level of scrutiny and quicker vulnerability discovery. This is a primary reason why open source has become the prominent software development model today."

Revised the Security bullet under the Stay Cutting Edge Pillar to:

"Open source software, by definition, motivates leading edge development with vulnerability detection & code design best practices."

Brandon will take the first pass at LFN Security Backgrounder with a general description and supporting statements from the projects. In parallel, we'll look to develop a LFN Blog post on security (at Arpit's request). 

Projects who have not yet completed their security statement (FD.io, XGVela, Tungsten Fabric are asked to do so by EOW). Neal and Jill will bring this up with the Marketing Working Group. 

Messaging Next Steps

Collect Proof points and incorporate from the community (Due June 8th). Neal agreed to draft up a FD.io proof point for a customer and seek approval for it. 

Review LFN Security Backgrounder

Create specific elevator pitches for each target persona. Brandon to create separate wiki pages for this.

Next Meeting

Lindsay has a conflict on Friday morning this week. Send out a Doodle poll for alternate times. 
