2021-09-08 MAC Minutes

2021-09-08 MAC Minutes

Attendees & Representation:





@Lindsey Sech

Intel (MAC Chair)

@Bob Monkman (Deactivated)

Intel (Anuket Rep)

Geoff Hultin


Neal Hartsell

Netgate (FD.io Proxy)

@Filip Čúzy (Deactivated)


Jeff Hartley


@Ranny Haiby

Samsung (ONAP Rep)

Josh Saul


Yves Bellego


Sandeep Panesar


LF Staff: Brandon Wick, Jill Lovato, Heather Kirksey, Kenny Paul


Available here


  • Events Update

  • August Board Meeting Recap

  • Messaging Update

  • Community Badging

  • Marketing Strategy WG

House Keeping

  • Start the Recording

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Agenda Bashing


Events Update

Brandon gave an update. ONE Summit is now Virtual Only event (similar to last year). Programming will be largely unaffected and we're moving the booth demos to virtual format. 

As the flagship event for LFN and LF Edge, members are expected to attend. Virtual registration is only $40 using the LF Member code: LFMEM20. Please share with you teams and encourage them to register today

The next developer event will be the week of January 10th. 

Kudos were given to the events team for the pivot/backup plan. There was a question about how to activate the messaging at a Virtual ONE Summit. That question will be explored on the Friday Strategy calls. 

A suggestion was made to move messaging into content pieces that we can communicate a bold message at ONE Summit. This will be explore more in the strategy calls. 

August Board Meeting Recap

Brandon gave an update. In the August Board Meeting, LFN Project priorities were slightly revised. The top priorities in order are now:

  • Identify & Tackle deployment barriers, celebrate success (Accelerate POC to Production)

  • Enable Cloud, Telecom & Enterprise Ecosystems collaboration

  • Continue/Increase/Grow Community Developer focus

The bullets under each priority were tweaked as well. The LFN Marketing Strategy will take these new priorities into account.

A point was made to hold ourselves accountable around removing barriers and highlighting things we’re doing to improve/promote deployments. It was emphasized that we should further explore engagement with teams in other groups/projects (Rules of the road). We should try to map the engagement and collaboration points (e.g. 5G SBP, Anuket Assured), and provide guidance on how to engage (e.g. new member onboarding deck).

An idea was presented about potentially matching demand with supply. Does LFN have the capacity to be the matchmaker? e.g. We’ve talked to our demand side, what sort of supply side matching can the LF Do? This could tie into our Make Money pillar: Connecting with other projects, becoming welcoming, bring in magma, using K8s for use cases, emphasize that collaboration part. 

Closest thing right now is the 5G SBP. LFN Team will synch with Mike Woster about publishing something visible about the matchmaking, business drivers.

Messaging Update

Brandon gave an update. Given feedback from the MAC and Board, we've made slight tweaks to the LFN messaging. Changes (marked in red) were reviewed and approved on the call. 

Community Badging

Brandon gave an update. Lead by the TAC and in coordination with the MAC, LFN is preparing to launch and Badging program. Categories will include LFN level and Project level badges. We're using Credly to distribute the badges and are exploring automation. A first group of badges were shown with direction endorsed. We may choose to to alter the badge share slightly to look more like an actual badge and be somewhat distinct from the other LFN badges. 

Marketing Strategy WG

Brandon gave an update. The Marketing Strategy Working group will be meeting on Fridays until the plan id finalized. If you'd like to be added to the meeting invite, please email bwick@linusfoundation.org.