2021-05-19 MAC Minutes

2021-05-19 MAC Minutes

Attendees & Representation:





@Lindsey Sech

Intel (MAC Chair)

Bob Monkman

Intel (Anuket Rep)

Filip Cuzy


Sandeep Panesar


Geoff Hultin


Pano Xinos


Neal Hartsell


Ranny Haiby

Samsung (ONAP Rep)

LF Staff: Brandon Wick, Jill Lovato, Heather Kirksey. Kenny Paul


Available here


  • LFN MAC Vice Chair

  • Project Liaisons Update

  • LFN Messaging

  • Anuket Assured / Discussion

  • 5G Super Blueprint

  • Events Update 

  • PR Update / Discussion

  • MAC Action List

House Keeping

  • Start the Recording

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Roll Call

  • Agenda Bashing


LFN MAC Vice Chair

Sandeep Panesar, Turnium, has volunteered to serve as the LFN MAC Vice Chair. Thanks, Sandeep.

Project Liaisons Update

The MAC welcomes the following new project reps: Ranny Haiby, Samsung (ONAP), Joseprabu Inbaraj, AMI (ODIM), and Jon Mechling, HPE (ODIM - Alternate). Thank you all. Each project liaison is being asked to review their project's marketing priorities slides from last October (or create a new one if needed) as well as what each project is doing to drive toward more secure networking. Brandon will be in touch with each project Liaison about this. Goal is to have this compiled ahead of the June MAC meeting. 

LFN Messaging

Lindsey gave an updated look at the messaging. End user proof point (telco + enterprise) will be important. We are asking for proof points to the LFN Board and will review the messaging with the EUAG. The goal is to present the updated framework to the MAC in June, and then ratify it with the Board in July. An LFN Messaging working group is meeting on Fridays at 7:00 AM PT, interested parties should email bwick@linuxfoundation.org. 

Anuket Assured Badging

Heather presented the latest proposed badging, categories, and usage model for Anuket Assured. Working Group developed a recommendation based on a request from the CVC. The major badge categories will be Infrastructure & Workload. Other characteristics will be communicated with topic icons and on the web portal / landscape where the badges are hosted (e.g. VNF vs CNF, date, SUT, etc.) Messaging around the program/badges will need to be crisp and tie into the overall messaging. It was recommended to look at FD.io CSIT benchmarking as a potential integration/category. Anuket test tools will also be positioned for standalone consumption. Ideally, users would leverage Anuket outputs into CI/CD pipelines. A question was raised about the re-certification cadence. Badges will signify the test/version in the product card. It will be up to members to decide when to re-certify. 

5G Super Blueprint

Brandon gave an update on the 5G Super Blueprint initiative. A FAQ has now been developed and MAC members are encouraged to read it. The 5G Super Blueprint will feature prominently in the new messaging. This is a chance for LFN to be guiding light for the industry in known and predictable ways. 

Events Update 

Upcoming events include an LFN Developer & Testing Forum in June and the Open Networking & Edge Summit in October. The ONE Summit CFP is now open and MAC members are encouraged to submit speaking proposals. 

PR Update

Jill gave a PR coverage updated from the ONAP Honolulu launch, NGNM, and Super Blueprint news. For upcoming speaking opportunities, it was suggested we look at the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) (Hawaii, Jan 16 - 19, 2000). The CFP closes July 9, 2021. Jill/Sandeep will synch on a potential LFN Submission. The question of an LFN Speaker's Bureau was raised. Jill will develop a proposal. 

MAC Action List

Help Cross Promote:


The next MAC call will be in June (Date TBD).