2021-06-16 MAC Minutes

2021-06-16 MAC Minutes

Attendees & Representation:





@Lindsey Sech

Intel (MAC Chair)

@Bob Monkman (Deactivated)

Intel (Anuket Rep)

@Filip Čúzy (Deactivated)


@Sandeep Panesar 

Turnium (MAC Vice Chair)

Adam Grochowski

Juniper (TF Rep)

@Seshu Kumar Mudiganti

Huawei (XGVela Rep)

@Ranny Haiby

Samsung (ONAP Rep)

Domingo Calpotura 


Yves Bellego


LF Staff: Brandon Wick, Jill Lovato, Heather Kirksey. Kenny Paul


Available here


  • LFN Events Update

  • LFN Enterprise Update

  • LFN Messaging Status 

  • LFN Marketing Strategy Review

  • LFN Project Marketing Priorities Review

  • MAC Action List

House Keeping

  • Start the Recording

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

  • Roll Call

  • Agenda Bashing


LFN Events Update

The LFN Developer & Testing Forum was a success with an all-time high 525 registrations. 65+ sessions of content now available on demand. Post-event survey is being distributed and analyzed. Timing of next event is TBD. 

The ONE Summit CFP closes June 20th. If you haven't already, please consider submitting a talk here: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-networking-edge-summit-north-america/program/cfp/.

LFN Enterprise Update

Brandon gave an update of the LFN's evolution toward the Enterprise market. Enterprise Networking (est. $56B TAM) is an adjacent market with unmet needs. The key challenge and opportunity is to approach, recruit/retain Enterprise networking projects and sponsors. The Enterprise market is a very broad category and we will need a much sharper definition and a better understanding of they types of companies we are trying to reach. An initial key characteristics list of potential enterprise networking customers was reviewed. A question was raised about how we would recruit new members and it was suggested that the MAC engage with Mike Woster (LF CRO) who will be leading this effort. It was noted that many prospective member enterprise companies will be at KubeCon + Cloud Native Con in October and the question was raised about how to engage with this audience. As this value proposition evolves, LFN enterprise messaging needs to be developed in parallel. 

LFN Messaging

Brandon gave a review of the LFN Messaging under development. Security statements have been received from all LFN projects (except one) and elevator pitches are being refined for our target personas. Proof points have been received by AT&T, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, PANTHEON. tech, and an anonymous FD.io user and are under development from China Mobile Verizon, and Huawei. High level messaging will be reviewed and ratified by the LFN Board in July. 

LFN Marketing Strategy Review

Brandon gave a review of the existing LFN Marketing strategy and the MAC objectives ratified by the board last year. This can be used as a basis for evolving the strategy and Sandeep had some ideas for how this could be done. Lindsey pointed out that we need to develop a plan for how we will apply the messaging when done and hold ourselves accountable. After the LFN Messaging foundation is complete, we can convene a marketing strategy working group and further integrate the enterprise effort.

LFN Project Marketing Priorities Review

New project marketing priorities slides were presented by XGVela and Anuket along with an updated slide from ONAP. A new slide from ODIM was shown as well. Any questions about ODIM should be directed to jose@ami.com and jon.mechling@hpe.com. Project marketing priorities will be incorporated into the overall LFN marketing plan. 

MAC Action List

Help Cross Promote:


The next MAC call will be on July 21, 8:00 - 9:00 AM.