2022-02-07 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Marc Price
@Olivier Smith
@Heather Kirksey
@Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
Outstanding Action Items
Project Updates
Request to update via email.
CNCF / Anuket Meeting Follow Up
Anuket Action Items:
Provide Anuket vision and goals for CNF conformance / Interoperability.
End goal: Any CNF workload meeting the Anuket requirements is able to deploy and run on infrastructure meeting the Anuket requirements. Anuket requirements (both workload and infrastructure) are verified through testing according to the Reference Compliance testing, which forms the basis for the Anuket Assured Program badges (public claim of meeting those requirements).
Explain what work is underway to achieve that goal.
Anuket R'2 sub-projects to review the CNCF test case descriptions (https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/USAGE.md)
Next Meeting:
Tentatively scheduled for February 15, 4pm UTC. Note, this is currently subject to change, what the Anuket tech-discuss list.
Proposed Agenda:
Main goals of Anuket (Gergely at all) – we discussed this a bit in the first meeting (“The end goal of Anuket is do define platform capabilities in a way that if a workload is able to run on an Anuket Assured platform it can run on any of the Anuket Assured platforms of the same technology (RA1 or RA2)”), but let’t have a recap
Main goals of CNCF Telecom activities (Lucina and Taylor)
Technical areas of possible collaboration
Logistics of possible collaboration
Do we need a named owner of this coordination activity?
Developer Event Follow Up
Request from EUAG to provide a deeper dive / summary of the test coverage of the current 2021.10 badge during the February 15, 2022 session.
March Mini Developer Event
Both Anuket and ONAP indicated an interest in moving forward with the event. Programming committee is being organized now.
Request for a CVC rep on the programming committee (@Olivier Smith volunteered).
@Heather Kirksey is also looking to add reps from the 5G blueprint and mCo.
Dates are TBD, programming committee will provide an update.
Any other business
Next Meeting: February 14, 2022
Opportunities for improvement to the website navigation.