2022-12-12 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Olivier Smith
@Scot Steele
@Yan Yang
@Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
Absent (but included so they receive the meeting minutes):
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Marc Price
Open Action Items
Agenda & Minutes
Standing Items:
Review Open Action Items (from weekly meeting minutes)
Review Open Issues in Gitlab
Topics for this week:
This Friday (12/16) - Meeting w/UNH (Lincoln & Sawyer) to follow-up on progress of RI2 and to discuss the roadmap/plan for Certified Lab & Certified R2 Workload (Q1/2023). See below image.
Reviewed plan and discussed progress
Agreed CVC will meet next Monday (12/19) as there will be a number of things that need to kick-off in January if we are to be ready for MWC.
New Action Items
Meeting recording