2022-08-22 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Olivier Smith
@Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
@Kenny Paul
@Yan Yang
Absent (but included so they receive the meeting minutes):
@Scot Steele
@Marc Price
@Lincoln Lavoie
Open Action Items
Agenda & Minutes
Standing Items:
Review Open Action Items - nothing to review
Review Issues in Gitlab -nothing to review
Specific topics for this week:
Kanagaraj has resigned from his post as one of our CVC Co-Chairs (are we ok to continue with only 1 co-chair or should we nominate a replacement?)
Decision: We will not replace our 2nd Co-chair. The CVC already has 1 co-chair and we believe it is sufficient. If anyone objects, please contact @Olivier Smith.
Call for volunteers - Working session on improving the structure and content of Verification – LF Networking. Goal is to make our "offerings" clearer and to improve the instructions for "how to" apply for a badge.
Update - Due to low attendance we will revisit this again on the next call.
Items on the agenda that we did not cover (for a future meeting):
Status of 2022 Badges (Progress on requirements and tests for a possible 2022 CNF badge for R2)
Discussions are ongoing - to discuss again in early Sept.
How to address the lack of "pull" for Anuket Assured badged infrastructure and workloads?
New Action Items
None this week