2022-04-25 CVC Meeting Minutes
2022-04-25 CVC Meeting Minutes
2022 Leadership Elections
- Ballots will go out today, Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)is finalizing the voting list with LF.
- Open question: Group currently has two vice-chairs seated, do we want to continue with 2 vice-chairs?
- General agreement to continue with the 2 vice-chair positions.
Release 2022.r1
- 2022.r1 release branch: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/tree/release.2022.r1
- Waiting on Anuket release to conclude, so we can point latest released test plans in RC1 / RC2.
- Current work progress can be tracked here: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/boards/3127904
- Gitlub getting started (i.e. existing materials from LF)
- Some material exist here: https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/Contributing+on+GitLab
- Can be updated if there are specific questions this doesn't address.
Any other business
- Action Item update: to update the lfnetworking.org page for the links and changes above in Items 3 & 4.
- There aren't any planned changes to the page from what was live. If changes are needed, please advise specifically what they will be.
- Provide the Anuket Assured Workload and Lab versions of the logos, so we can add them to git-lab repo to keep everything together.
- Logos added to git-lab repo.
- Next Meeting: May 2, 2022
, multiple selections available,