2022-04-25 CVC Meeting Minutes

2022-04-25 CVC Meeting Minutes

Outstanding Action Items

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.


2022 Leadership Elections

  • Ballots will go out today, Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)is finalizing the voting list with LF.
  • Open question: Group currently has two vice-chairs seated, do we want to continue with 2 vice-chairs?
    • General agreement to continue with the 2 vice-chair positions.

Release 2022.r1

Any other business

  • Action Item update: to update the lfnetworking.org page for the links and changes above in Items 3 & 4.
    • There aren't any planned changes to the page from what was live. If changes are needed, please advise specifically what they will be. 
  • Provide the Anuket Assured Workload and Lab versions of the logos, so we can add them to git-lab repo to keep everything together.
    • Logos added to git-lab repo.
  • Next Meeting: May 2, 2022