2022-03-28 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Olivier Smith
@Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
Outstanding Action Items
Feedback on current programs
Input for Olivier: Anuket_Assured_Improvements_2-28-2022.docx
Questions/Areas for clarification with the CVC:
1. Where do we keep the Anuket logo? Logo Suite - Anuket has no link but mentions Github.
Yes, Anuket as a logo, LF Marketing (@Brandon Wick) would have the files / content. Should those be available on the Anuket.io resources tab?
2. Is there (or will there be) an Anuket Assured logo?
Yes, they are kept here: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/tree/main/program_logos
Note, seems to be missing the workload versions of the badges.
3. Anuket Assured program - Networking (lfnetworking.org) – Follow These Steps. These seem like they are meant to be clickable? If not, suggest we create a different visualization.
Can we assign links to each of the boxes? For example, the Apply to the program could link / open the page for the Docusign submission. Testing could like to the Gitlab documentation.
4. Note that we use different vocabulary – (participation form vs application form on the same page) (badges vs program marks on the same page)
Change the wording to be the same (participation form and badges / program marks).
The program documentation refers to badges and program marks. "Program marks" seems to refer more to the specific graphical item (i.e. the logo) that could be applied to a product. The badge seems the conceptual award for completing the testing, that allows / permits the usage of the program mark.
Change step 6 to say, "award the program badge."
Add a file "Terms and Definitions" to the program guidelines.
5. Should we replace “Verification” from the menu and resulting page and instead have it Assured/Assurance or something that moves us from the words used back in OPNFV Verification Program? (Applies to both sites Anuket.io and Lfnetworking.org)
On the Anuket.io "Verification Page" (https://anuket.io/verification/), change the page heading (large white text) to say "Anuket Assured" with the logo, instead of Verification.
6. Can we remove the labels under the badges (in Badge Categories) which all same the same thing except for labs which says coming Q2/2022?
Remove the text below graphics, except for the "coming 2022" that could be left.
7. Anuket Assured program - Networking (lfnetworking.org) – Under Badge Categories, when selecting badges (Infra) you are directed to NFVI portal. Everything is then legacy with all OLD names like OPNFV.
No where else to link, without at least 1 company completing the AAP program / badge for a category.
8. Anuket Assured program - Networking (lfnetworking.org) – Under Badge Categories, when selecting badges (Workload) there is no link to anything (why do we have nothing for VNFs?). If we offer VNF badges then we should at least show these are possible to obtain.
No where to link to, need 1 company to complete the first badge.
9. Anuket Assured program - Networking (lfnetworking.org) – Under Badge Categories, when selecting badges (Lab) you are directed to VNF Portal. Also unclear.
Could probably just unlink this badge, since it's "coming in 2022".
10. Who receives emails sent to “anuketassured@lfnetworking.org”?
This should be an alias to the CVC chairs (currently, @Lincoln Lavoie, @Marc Price, and @Yan Yang)
2022.r1 Release
2022.r1 release branch: https://gitlab.com/lfnetworking/cvc/anuket-assured-docs/-/tree/release.2022.r1
Developer guidelines - @Lincoln Lavoie is still working through these, got delayed last week.
Any other business
Next Meeting: April 4, 2022