2019-02-13 Meeting notes

2019-02-13 Meeting notes


zoom chat log    Full IRC Log  Recordings



  • Interim TAC Chair Election Update
  • Infra Work Group Update
  • Induction Tooling

Discussion items

Action items

  • LF Staff to publish a new suggested TAC Chair Job Description

  • Ed, Wenjing, and Tapio to help migrate the document repository and Tool Chain from Gerrit to Github

Full IRC Log: 

15:00:22 <kennypaul> #startmeeting tac-2019-02-13
15:00:22 <collabot`> Meeting started Wed Feb 13 15:00:22 2019 UTC.  The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:22 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:22 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'tac_2019_02_13'
15:00:53 <bh526r> #info Bin Hu, OPNFV
15:01:05 <riccardogasparet> #info Riccardo Gasparetto Stori, Vodafone (proxy for Davide Cherubini)
15:01:07 <kennypaul> ##chair phrobb
15:01:13 <vmbrasseur> #info vmbrasseur Juniper
15:01:16 <kennypaul> #chair phrobb
15:01:16 <collabot`> Current chairs: kennypaul phrobb
15:01:29 <vmbrasseur> #info rbias Juniper
15:01:38 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners, Cisco
15:01:42 <phrobb> #topic Roll Call - TAC members please #info in
15:02:01 <mbuil> #info Manuel Buil, SUSE (proxy for Rossella)
15:03:08 <dfarrell07> #info Daniel Farrell, ODL
15:03:21 <JasonHunt> #info Jason Hunt, IBM
15:04:34 <kennypaul> #info catherine lefevre, ONAP
15:05:06 <kennypaul> #info Wenjing Chu, Huawei
15:05:11 <eraolro> #info Christian Olrog, proxy for Anders Rosengren, Ericsson
15:05:16 <r-mibu> #info Ryota mibu, NEC
15:06:25 <dfarrell07> #info no response from Board related to proposed solution for TAC reps to Board, they are having a hard time scheduling a time
15:06:55 <vmbrasseur> #info phrobb Suggests drafting a job description for the TAC Chair
15:07:01 <dfarrell07> #info the nomination for interim TAC rep to Board is open, please self-nominate
15:08:37 <dfarrell07> #info suggestion to collect TAC/TOC job descriptions from other projects as starting point, phrobb will look into this
15:10:18 <vmbrasseur> #topic Project tooling/infrastructure working group update
15:10:21 <dfarrell07> #info phrobb asks for updated from infra work group, ed is driving and not on the call, morgen gives update
15:10:55 <dfarrell07> #info there is a wiki up to collect alt tools, so far alts to gerrit, also starting to look at CI/CD tool alts
15:11:02 <kennypaul> #info Abhijit Kumbhare,
15:11:23 <kennypaul> #chair CaseyLF
15:11:23 <collabot`> Current chairs: CaseyLF kennypaul phrobb
15:11:46 <dfarrell07> #info there are open questions around cost, hosting vs self-hosted
15:12:25 <CaseyLF> #action LF Staff to publish a new suggested TAC Chair job description.
15:12:57 <kennypaul> #link https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LN/Infra+Workgroup
15:13:27 <kennypaul> #topic infrastructure
15:18:38 <kennypaul> #info POCs in progress
15:21:17 <kennypaul> #info looking at best practice for tools and want to make recommendations to each project
15:22:48 <kennypaul> #info phrobb asks about a common ci/cd env across all projects
15:23:38 <kennypaul> #info not specifically due to differing needs by project
15:26:31 <kennypaul> #info team will make presentations to the individual TSCs on recommendations when investigation is complete.
15:27:59 <kennypaul> #info concerns raised by Catherine and dfarrell07
15:28:07 <kennypaul> #undo
15:28:07 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x22ae610>
15:28:30 <CaseyLF> #info phrobb suggests that the members of the TAC send infra team members from their organizations to the Infra workgroup calls.
15:28:31 <kennypaul> #info concerns raised by Catherine and dfarrell07 on migration
15:29:19 <kennypaul> #info has github been accepted as the TAC repo vs. gerrit
15:29:42 <CaseyLF> #topic Project Tooling
15:30:45 <kennypaul> #info Openswitch project wants to join LFN and needs to know where documentation needs to go.
15:32:52 <kennypaul> #info some docummentation has been moved from gerrit to githuib, but no formal migration.
15:36:39 <kennypaul> #info dfarrell07 says outstanding reviews in gerrit that has not be merged, committer rights in gerrit need to be propagated, currently only edwarnicke has commit rights in github
15:37:49 <edwarnicke> FYI... can't be on the call today... but tell me the github ids to add to the github and I'll do it right away
15:38:06 <edwarnicke> dfarrell07: ^^^^ kennypaul ^^^^
15:40:54 <kennypaul> #action Tapio and Wenjing will reconcile outstanding reviews in gerrit
15:41:19 <edwarnicke> dfarrell07: You should now also have admin rights on the repo
15:41:29 <edwarnicke> dfarrell07: There should be an invite in your inbox
15:43:53 <phrobb> #startvote The LFN TAC agrees to migrate it's document repository and tool chain from Gerrit to Github, and advises projects seeking induction to use GitHub going forward? -1, 0, +1
15:43:53 <collabot`> Begin voting on: The LFN TAC agrees to migrate it's document repository and tool chain from Gerrit to Github, and advises projects seeking induction to use GitHub going forward? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1.
15:43:53 <collabot`> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
15:45:06 <dfarrell07> #vote -1
15:45:32 <edwarnicke> #vote +1
15:45:42 <frankbrockners> #vote +1
15:45:44 <morgan_orange> #vote +1
15:45:49 <RandyBias> #vote +1
15:45:49 <ttallgren> #vote +1
15:45:57 <riccardogasparet> #vote +1
15:46:00 <eraolro> #vote +1
15:46:18 <bh526r> #vote +1
15:46:19 <kennypaul> #vote +1
15:46:32 <CaseyLF> #vote +1
15:46:33 <kennypaul> #info my vote proxy for Jason Hunt
15:46:50 <CaseyLF> #info My vote is proxy for Wenjing Chu
15:46:51 <r-mibu> #vote +1
15:48:03 <phrobb> #endvote
15:48:03 <collabot`> Voted on "The LFN TAC agrees to migrate it's document repository and tool chain from Gerrit to Github, and advises projects seeking induction to use GitHub going forward?" Results are
15:48:03 <collabot`> +1 (11): frankbrockners, kennypaul, bh526r, morgan_orange, riccardogasparet, edwarnicke, r-mibu, eraolro, ttallgren, RandyBias, CaseyLF
15:48:03 <collabot`> -1 (1): dfarrell07
15:48:06 <dfarrell07> #link https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=releng/builder.git;a=blob;f=jjb/lfn/lfn.yaml Current job triggers for Gerrit to migrate to GitHub
15:49:41 <kennypaul> #info other +1 votes from zoom chat are: Rajesh Gadiyar, Sebastian Zechlin, Dhananjay Pavgi, Catherine Lefevre, Tina Tsou
15:49:48 <vmbrasseur> #info phrobb Asks whether to cancel the meeting in 2 weeks, since many people will be at MWC.
15:50:04 <RandyBias> Cancel.  I'm not going to MWC.
15:50:17 <kennypaul> #info 0 vote from Abhijit Kumbhare
15:50:51 <kennypaul> #topic Meeting in 2 weeks ?
15:50:54 <vmbrasseur> #info Will continue to have the meeting in 2 weeks since it appears the group will have quorum
15:51:22 <kennypaul> #topic ODL TAC rep
15:52:02 <vmbrasseur> #info abhijit is the new TAC rep for ODL
15:52:33 <vmbrasseur> #info Many thanks to dfarrell07 for all his work
15:53:16 <kennypaul> #topic unconference @ ONS-NA
15:54:32 <abhijitk> I am on the IRC now CaseyLF
15:55:07 <CaseyLF> #link https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/YAKh Please post your Un-conference Topic Proposals for ONS here
15:55:53 <kennypaul> #info LFN maintenance window for Confluence and Etherpad
15:55:53 <kennypaul> Scheduled for Feb 18, 15:00 - 15:30 UTC
15:57:06 <kennypaul> #endmeeting

Zoom Chat Log 

07:02:44 From Wenjing Chu : same
07:03:02 From Abhijit Kumbhare : I am having problem with IRC as well
07:10:15 From Christian Olrog : https://wiki.akraino.org/display/AK/Akraino+Technical+Community+Document#AkrainoTechnicalCommunityDocument-4.3TSCFunctionalRoles
07:13:41 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LN/Infra+Workgroup
07:15:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : please remember to #info in if you have not done so.
07:17:34 From Tina Tsou : IRC link?
07:19:19 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #lin-meeting on irc.freenode.net
07:27:41 From Jason Hunt : have to go remote so won’t be on IRC (and may lose coverage at spots)
07:29:31 From hxmTnsq2Kkg1dDj8BdUr+/SOslr1iPH2xVX+afeM25I= : https://github.com/lfnetworking/process
07:45:47 From Phil Robb : #startvote The LFN TAC agrees to migrate it's document repository and tool chain from Gerrit to Github, and advises projects seeking induction to use GitHub going forward? -1, 0, +1
07:46:02 From Jason Hunt : #vote +1
07:46:04 From rgadiyar : +1 Rajesh Gadiyar Intel
07:46:05 From Wenjing Chu : #vote +1
07:46:14 From Tina Tsou : #vote +1
07:46:15 From Sebastian Zechlin [DT] : +1 Sebastian Zechlin, DT
07:46:17 From rgadiyar : #vote +1
07:46:18 From Abhijit Kumbhare : #vote 0
07:46:29 From Dhananjay Pavgi : #vote +1
07:46:56 From Catherine Lefevre : #vote +1, Catherine Lefevre - TAC team only, no impact on ONAP
07:47:55 From Tina Tsou : #vote +1 Tina Tsou
07:52:22 From Jason Hunt : thank you Daniel for your work on the TAC!
07:52:38 From Wenjing Chu : thank you Daniel
07:56:07 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #info LFN maintenance window for Confluence and Etherpad 7:55 AM Scheduled for Feb 18, 15:00 - 15:30 UTC