2019-02-27 Meeting notes
Feb 27, 2019
@Casey Cain @Kenny Paul @Former user (Deleted) @Abhijit K @Ray Kinsella @Bin Hu @FREEMAN, BRIAN D @cl664y@att.com @Frank Brockners @Jim St. Leger @Ahmed El Sawaf @Chaker Al-Hakim @Randy Bais @David McBride @Davide Cherubini @Dhananjay Pavgi @Ed Warnicke @Manuel Buil @Morgan Richomme @Tina Tsou (Deactivated) @Trishan de Lanerolle @Vicky Brasseur @Wenjing Chu
@Joe Ghalam OPX
OPX Induction Request - Introducing the Project to the TAC
Joe Ghalam reviewed his OPX (Open Switch) slides
OPX name to help elemiminate confusion with Open vSwitch
Questions regarding possible trademarking issue due to the proximity of the name Open Switch / Open vSwitch. It is not believed there is an issue.
Concerns raised over the use of redis database due to restrictive licensing that would prevent an OPX enabled box from being used in a service offering
Rebranding work underway to remove "open-switch" is WIP and is being handled very strategically.
Induction documents will be submitted to github this week with review to start next week.
(Joe drops from call at this point)
Question/concern raised over expected impact to the LFN budget - part of what the Board takes into consideration
Concern raised over proprietary switch driver - some surprise over the fact it was received in binary form. Needs to be highlighted for the board.
TAC Chair
Still no chair
To be revisited at the next meeting.