2019-10-23 TAC Meeting notes
Oct 23, 2019
LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Jim Baker @Trishan de Lanerolle
Committee Members: @Chaker Al-Hakim @Ranny Haiby @FREEMAN, BRIAN D @Wenjing Chu @cl664y@att.com @Frank Brockners @Timothy Verrall (Deactivated) @Christian Olrog Atlassian
@Abhijit K @Davide Cherubini @Bin Hu @djhunt(late)
Start the Recording
Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
General Topics
Technical Whitepaper review - @Ranny Haiby
MAC Update - Bryan Madden
ITX Modernization Update
X-Community Collaboration
Project Lifecycle Review Process
MAC Update (deferred)
Technical White Paper Review @Ranny Haiby
Objective of WP: Outline how all the pieces of the LFN integrate/play together
Workspace for the WP development has been created and volunteers identified
Continue to use Confluence for the WP development
Workgroup calls will be scheduled at the same time slot as the TAC meetings, on the opposite weeks of the TAC meetings.
Workgroup members are requested to fill in their areas of expertise in the table on the wiki page.
ITX Modernization Update/LFN Infra WG
Light attendance at the LFN Infra WG (Friday 8a Pacific)
Subscribe to the calendar via groups io (https://lists.lfnetworking.org/g/infrawg/ics/4180845/805631736/feed.ics)
Cross Community Collaboration
Goal: Enhance the collaboration between the LFN projects
Call for volunteers to participate is out
Requested all representatives from LFN projects to go back to their communities and educate about the taskforce
Also need outreach to external communities as well
Project Lifecycle Review
Proposal for annual reviews of LFN level projects
Most effective approach to lifecycle reviews (brainstorm)
Technical governance
Size of community - some projects are quite small
project roles and process for filling/removing people in roles
contributor diversity
need to capture archiving/EOL activities
Once a month dedicate a portion of the TAC meeting to this purpose